Baking brownies for my next door neighbour

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Intro to readers:


Hey guys, ive put the new boy on hold for a while to try writing something new. From reading ALOT of books on Wattpad, Ive seen that alot of people like to read about the typical teenage drama, 'boy meets girl' kind of stories. Well im going to try one of my own, with a twist of course. This book is completely different form the new boy. Less intese and more fun. I hope youll enjoy and support my story, by either liking (through facebook), voting, commenting, promoting me on tumblr or becoming a fan.

Note: Some words are in Spanish..

Madre: Mum

Bonita: Pretty/beautiful

Chapter 1

"Caremen would you stop licking the spoon. its disgusting!" 

I rolled my eyes and dropped the spoon into the sink. 

"Cummon Madre, i don't see why we have to cook for a bunch of people we don't even know." 

"Well i think we should welcome the new family into the neighbourhood. Its always good to be friendly to your neighbours. You never know who they might be." 

"Doesn't mean we need to kiss their a..." 

"Watch your mouth!" 

"I was gonna say but" I said holding my hands up innocently. 

I continued to wash the dishes while my madre went to go and check on the brownies in the oven. 

"About 5 more minutes left Bonita" she said before walking out the kitchen. 

I really hope they appreciate the brownies we were making for them. I wonder what the new neighbours were like anyway. Ive seen lots of furniture being brought into the genorous-sized house by the moving men, but no sign of the family. Don't get me wrong. Our house was VERY big and VERY beautiful- relating to the fact that my father is a lawyer and my mother is an ex-super model- but the house nextdoor had been rennovated into a much more modern place. They must be rich.

My thoughts were inturrupted at the sound of the timer going off on the oven. I dried my hands and went over to the oven to switch it off and take the brownies out. The glorious choclatey smell of the brownies made my mouth water. I was just about to pinch off some of the crust when madre bounded into the room and slapped my hand away. 

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING" she spoke frantically in her thick spanish accent. 

"They are not for YOU." 

I held in my laughter, seeing the serious expression on her face. The were just brownies! Oh how i loved my madre so. i guess being a supermodel practically all her life, she constanly had to impress people and make everything look perfect. I never wanted to follow in her foosteps though. I can't stand the pressure of being judged for the way you look. If the people who love you think that you're beautiful, thats all that matters. 

"Im sorry madre, they smell so good." 

Her expression softened as she started to cut the brownies into perfect squares." 

"Yes Bonita, but we can make them anytime." 

Just then, i heard heavy footsteps coming. 

"I knew i smelt brownies." 

Alex. One our schools popular jocks and also my ANNOYING brother. He was 17 and i was 16 so he was in the 11th grade and i was in the 10th. Unfortunatley, i still saw alot of him though. Being his sister meant that i was popular too, but to be honest, i couldnt care less about the title. I also had to endure endless flirting from his man-whore jock friends and all the other boys in school, but not when Alex was around of course. He was VERY overprotective. But the biggest problem was all the crazy bitches that wanted to be my 'friend'. The few that were lucky to even STEP through my door- when my parents werent around of course- left the same NIGHT. Ughh. He had a whole booty call list to choose from, top of the list being Stacia Stafania. but thats another story. The only peoplle that i had time for were my 3 bestfriends: Tate, Jasmine (Jas) and Jesse. 

"Hey Carmen, why do you space out like that" Alex said, waving a hand infront of my face. 

"I do not. Anyway, what do you want!" 

"He was trying to tell you that i want you to take these over to the neighbours. i looked down at the thick slices of chocolate brownies, neatly layered on pink cloth in a basket. Wow, madre really DID go to alot of effort. 

"Why can't you or Alex do it!" i whined. 

I turned around to find that Alex had already 'left the premises'. 

"I want you to do it Bonita" she said, placing the basket in my hands. 

I couldn't ruin the smile on my face so i just agreed to bring them over. 

"I'll be back in a minute madre!" 

"Oh don't worry, take your time Bonita." 

I rolled my eyes and walked out the house shutting the door behind me. 

I looked down at what i was wearing. A colourful floral playsuit that hugged my curves in all the right places and gold sandals. My black hair was falling in loose curls down on my back and i only wore a little bit of make-up. I had just come back from the mall which was why i was dressed up. I did like shopping but it wasn't a major part of my life like the 99% of girls in my school. 

When i finally got to the pathway of the house nextdoor, i took my time taking in my surroundings. The moving men were taking out the last of the stuff from the van and bringing them through the back door. They looked like garden stuff. 

One of the younger guys winked at me but i just nodded and smiled. I was used to the attention of the opposite sex, but i didn't think much of it. He was good looking but boys weren't a very important part of my life, unless they were friends. 

When i finally got to the door i pressed the doorbell. As i waited, i took the oppotunity to eat one of the brownies. I don't know when i might get to next have one and also, atleast whoever answers the door can see they aren't poisoned. 

Just as i took my second bite, the door swung open to reveal a breathtakingly handsome guy smiling down at me. And guess what happened? I chocked.


There you have it, chapter 1. Not very interesting but i have ALOT MORE instore. My laptop is broken so i had to write this up in school, but i will try and upload ASAP. ive already written about 9 chapters. its just a matter or typing it up :). keep reading guys. 

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