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Cristine : well he's cool and everything , but I feel like he does that to every girl . Is he a player?
My thoughts : I can't believe this that means I still have a chance !
Me : well yeah kinda you should go with someone who will be with you and only you .
Cristine : Yeah I guess your right. I bet I would just get my heart broken anyway .
My Thoughts : if I didn't know any better I would think Jacob had a crush on me !
Jacob : well we are home so I was wondering since we are neighborsand all ... if I could get your number ?
Cristine: sure it's +12036579804.
Jacob: thanks I guess I will see you tomorrow , right maybe we can meet up at the park or something , but just you and me .
Cristine thoughts : well I think he likes me and he is really sweet and he's the only friend I really have . He is also really cute . Am I really falling for Jacob. I have never even had a boyfriend .I'm only 13 ... I guess I have to see where this goes
Hey guys I hope you like it I'm posting next part later because I was so busy reading for my summer reading but I hope you still like it bye 😚

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