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I see Cristine with Joseph . I rushed over

Jacob: Cristine I'm so sorry ! I didn't kiss her I was about to get up we didn't even kiss!
Cristine: I know but let's admit it .you wanted to kiss her ! She's so beautiful and I'm just a piece of trash !
Joseph : Come on Cristine, don't say that ... your the prettiest girl on Earth!
Cristine : I just want to go home.
Jacob : Cristine I don't like her !
Cristine: Jacob you could have any girl you want !
Jacob: And the only girl I want is you !
Cristine : ...
Jacob : I'm just really confused are we still dating .
Cristine : I don't know , Jacob I don't want to share you! I want you to love only me!
Jacob: I do love only you !
Cristine : I don't know I'm going to go home .
Jacob : I will walk you.
Cristine : No my leg hurts I'm just going to call my mom.
Jacob: No just hop on my back.
Cristine : It's okay I don't want to break your back.
Jacob: Please just hop on.
Cristine : * hops on his back*
Jacob: Joseph you can go back to my house .
Joseph : oh ... okay .
* on the walk *
Jacob : Cristine do you still love me?
Cristine : I will always love you.
Jacob: Can we stop here for a second .
Cristine : oh sure.
Jacob: I just wanted to talk alone .
Cristine : fine.
Jacob : I love only you ! No one else will ever mean anything to me!
Cristine: I just don't feel pretty or nice or ador...
Jacob: * leans in *
Cristine : *blushes* What was that for.
Jacob : so that you always know my kisses will only belong to you! I have never had a girlfriend,  or my first kiss until I met you!
Cristine : me neither.
Jacob : Come on I will drop you off at home .
Cristine: okay !
the next day
I got a text from Jacob
Jacob😍❤️: hey honey!
Me : hi love bunny !
Jacob😍❤️: I was wondering if you wanted to come over today for a movie!
Me: Sure! who will be there?
Jacob😍❤️: me Joseph spencer and Allie .
Me : Your still friends with Allie!?
Jacob😍❤️ yeah ,kinda .
Me: why?!
Jacob😍❤️: Come on if it bugs you that much I won't be her friend anymore .
Me: I want that.
Jacob😍❤️: But she is still coming over today.
Me : fine.
I knock at the door to see Jacob
Cristine : Hey babe !
Jacob : Hey!
* we kiss for like 3 seconds *
Jacob: come on in.
Cristine : thanks .
Jacob: what movie do you want to watch.
Cristine : Peter Pan!
Jacob : I don't want you to drool over any guys but me .
Cristine: Don't get insecure .I'm the only one who gets insecure.
Jacob: You can have any guy you want.
Cristine : sure .
Jacob : come on you will sit next to me and Allie.
Cristine : ugh.
Jacob: come on .
Cristine : fine .
Jacob : we are watching paranormal activity .
Cristine : as long as you hold me the whole time .
Jacob : your safe with me!

The movie starts and Cristine is already clutching on to me which makes me happy . The only bad thing was Allie was holding on to me to. I think Cristine noticed
Cristine : she's holding on to you!
Jacob : I know but what can I do .
Cristine: shrug her off .
Jacob : come on please don't get jealous .
Cristine : I don't want to share you!
Jacob: come on .
Cristine : * let's go of his arm and scotches over to Joseph*
Joseph : hey.
Cristine : hi .
             * THE MOVIE ENDS *
Spencer :Let's play truth or dare!
Jacob: okay .
Spencer: Cristine truth or dare?
Cristine : dare !
Spencer : I dare you to tell us what your favorite dog is.
Cristine: you suck at dares .
Spencer: Just say it
Cristine : Tea cup yorkies!
Spencer : awe those are so cute!
Cristine : Joseph truth or dare?
Joseph : truth .
Cristine : Is it true you like Allie?
Joseph: ew no !
Joseph : Allie truth or dare ?
Allie : Dare .
Joseph : I dare you to tell us who the hottest guy ever is .
Allie : Jacob of course !
Cristine: * looks upset *
Allie: Jacob truth or dare ?
Jacob: dare .
Allie : I dare you to kiss me !
Jacob : no !
Allie: you have too .
Cristine : no he doesn't he's my boyfriend .
Allie : not anymore.
Jacob: Allie you should really leave.
Allie : Fine, but Jacob you will be mine.
Cristine : Jacob I'm going home !
Jacob: Cristine come on
Cristine : I'm done .
Jacob: what do you mean you done?!
Cristine : I'm done playing truth or dare !
Jacob: fine .
Cristine : Are you going to walk me home.
Jacob: Do you just want to sleep over.
Cristine : I don't know. Do your parents mind?
Jacob: They are on a business trip.
Cristine : okay .
Jacob : Let's watch Peter Pan .
Cristine : really ?!
Jacob: sure .
Cristine : I'm tired though .
Jacob: it's okay if you want to sleep.
Cristine : * eyes start to close *
Jacob: * kisses her forehead * goodnight beautiful
Cristine : I love you .
Jacob: I love you too .
Cristine : *With that I knocked out like light *

Hey guys you wanted longer chapters so here you go hope you guys like it it was about 900 words so yeah love you guys and have a good night or mornings comment if I should keep going with the book or just give up because I feel like a lot of people don't really care about it see you later

I won't give up JacobWhere stories live. Discover now