Phase 2 and Broken Hearts

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Dark Link's P.O.V

Master told me specifically to injure Ben enough for his health to go down and take his healing potions so he can die long enough for the plan to work. Yes I hate Ben, but I feel kinda bad for doing all this. I wish I wasn't his slave sometimes. I really do. The next part of the plan was to make him lose his last heart and take the girl when she's sleeping. Oh god! I just realized Sally is Slenderman's daughter. Well, I'm going to get beat up twice. Once by my master and once by Slenderman. I sigh and keep walking to the mansion and see Sally and Ben playing outside. They look so happy and I'm going to ruin it... 'Having second thoughts Dark Link?' I hear in my head. Master can mindlink his slaves.. 'No-no sir.' I say. 'Good. You know what happens to slaves who don't obey me like those fairies.' He tortured them then killed them. 'Yes sir.' I walk to Jeff's room and knock on his door. "Jeff, need to talk to you. Its Dark Link." I heard a 'fuck off'. "It's important." I slam my fist on the door. "What's so damn important?" I kick down his door and my eyes are blood red now. "You want to be part of a plan against Ben or not?" He laughed "Why didn't you just say so!? Count me in!" I tell Jeff the plan and he runs out of the room with his blood stained knife. Perfect. Once I go downstairs I see Jeff's knife in Ben's heart. Now he will go in his game while I take the girl. Goodbye for now Ben Drowned.

Sally's P.O.V

Ben is hiding something from me and its getting me nervous. He never hides things from me. Dark Link is acting odd also. Jeff is the worst, he is acting more suspicious than Ben and Dark Link combined. Daddy isn't home so I can't ask him about it. I walk downstairs and see Jeff stabbing Ben and standing in the background is Dark Link doing nothing to try to help with a straight face. "Ben!" I cried out running over to him hugging him. "P-Please don't go..." I sob and he looks up to me and smiles. "I-I love y-you..." He coughed before his body disappeared. I just sit there... Crying... "Sally, you need to come with us." Dark Link says putting a hand on my shoulder gently. "No! Get away from me! You let him die! You just stood there and watched Jeff repeatedly put his knife in Ben's chest! I will never go with you." I sob. I notice Ben's hat was left behind and I pick up and hold it close. "Sally, please. I don't want to didn't want to do that either, but I had to. I suggest you come wit us before anymore blood is shed." Dark sounded scared, but he tried to mask it. He put his hand out for me and looks at me pleadingly. "O-Ok..." I stutter grabbing his hand. He helps me get up and I keep hold of the hat and walk out of the mansion hand in hand with Dark Link and Jeff was on Ben watch duty.. This what Dark Link told me anyway. I miss you Ben... I love you...

???'s P.O.V

"I got her sir! She is in the other room." Wonderful! Phase 2 is complete! Only one more phase. The plan is going perfectly! Ben will come to find Sally and she will be dead. This is the best plan yet! "Bring her to me." I command and he leaves the room. Now returning with the girl and she's tied up and blindfolded. "In blindfold the girl." He does as told and her bright emerald eyes stare at me with fear and sadness. Wait a second.. Is that Ben's hat she's wearing? "Hello. Is your name Sally Williams?" I ask stepping down from the throne. "Yes. May I ask who you are?" Her voice with such confidence. How cute. "You will find out soon enough young lady, but right now I'm going to have to take to the torture chamber." She starts struggling from Dark Link's grasp. "You said I would be safe! You lied to me DL!" She cries out hitting Dark Link repeatedly and squirming around trying to get out of his grip. "Calm down Sally! Its only temporary!" Dark snaps at her. She starts crying and gives up. She mutters one last thing under her breath and goes with him. Its going to be fun torturing that little girl.

Slender man's P.O.V (Didnt expect that did you? XD)

Its been about 10 days since my daughter went missing. Jeff locked himself in his room, Dark Link went missing also, and Ben is refusing to leave his game. I think Jeff and Dark Link is behind all of this. I teleport to Jeff's room and see him crying. He looks up to me and looks back down. "Go away sock man." He snaps. "You tell me what happened the day my daughter went missing the easy way, no pain, or the hard way where I have to look through your memories then you'll be punished for not telling me." I threat waiting for an answer. "Dark Link said there was a man who hired him as a slave to help him he revenge on Ben. He said the plan just finished phase two. Its now on phase 3.. The final phase, which is killing... Sally.." Someone is planning revenge on Ben and kill Sally?? "What's the man's name?" I ask clenching my fists. "The man..

His name...


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