Chapter 5

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He looks right into my eyes. "Hey Grace, I'm sorry for leaving without a word. I was in a hurry, nothing interesting. How have you been?" "Umm, good, I was at my friends house. How about you?" He smiles at me. "I'm good, thanks. Would you like to join me for a coffee?" I nod and return a smile. We walk to Starbucks. We exchange some basic information about ourselves. When we arrive at Starbucks, I hug Jeremy and say hello. We order and sit down. I tell him about the sleepover. "It was really funny. Stefan and I laughed for hours, but then Damon came and told us to shut up and sleep haha." He looks confused. "Sorry, Damon.. Damon Salvatore?" "Yeah exactly, do you know him?" He looks away. "Not really. I may have met him once, but I'm not too sure about that." He seems to be uncomfortable. He looks deeply into my eyes and says: "Forget that I have asked you about Damon." What? "Why would I forget about that? Is everything okay Enzo?" My answer was unexpected judging by the look on Enzo's face. "Vervain." He mumbles. "What?" I ask. "Nothing, ehm I have to go. It was lovely to see you again. Here's my number. Feel free to text or call." With that, he leaves. Weird. What have I done wrong?

After my weird coffee date, wait it wasn't a date, was it? I'm so confused. Well after my coffee I-don't-know-how-to-call-it, I make my way to Stefan's house. When I arrive there, I can't see anyone, so I decide to go to the kitchen and make myself a tea. I open the drawer where the Salvatores store their tea. I find a box labeled with "Vervain". Vervain? That's what Enzo said. What even is Vervain? I grab my phone and decide to google it. Loads of websites are talking about what kind of herb vervain is. Boring. I look at pictures of vervain and I see loads that show that vervain grows in Mystic Falls. Maybe that's like the herb of the town. Haha I don't know. After what feels like hours, I decide to walk home, since Stefan isn't at home yet. At home, I remember that my mum was really interested in herbs and their background, she liked calling it 'their magical powers'. Well I went to her old room and actually found a few books and cut-outs, print-outs etc. It took me quite a while to find vervain. I read what was written on the paper:

Vervain is a potent herb, and a vampire's most well-known weakness. If a vampire makes physical contact with vervain in any form, it will burn them. If a vampire ingests vervain, the vampire's throat and digestive tract will be burned and they will become feverish and extremely weak. If a human ingests or holds vervain somewhere in or on the body (such as holding it in a hand or pocket, or wearing it in jewelry), the human is protected from vampire compulsion and entitled to free will.

Vampires? Seriously? Haha, how funny. Why did my mum keep that shit? Well, I should just forget about it. It's just some stupid herb.

Stefan calls me and asks if I want to come over. Finally. So I make my way to Stefan.

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