Chapter 2

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I woke up beside Leigh with her head on my chest. I got up and took a shower before going downstairs. "Dude why did you go home early." Jason ask. "We just wanted to....uh...cuddle. Yeah that's it. Cuddle" I lie. "That's great but we need to get to school to see what the new girl looks like. Otherwise we would skip" Jason says waving his keys around. "Race you" he said smirking. "Nah Bro. Remember last time we raced we got a ticket. And I had to go to jail because I couldn't pay it." I said taking the key out if his hands. "Besides I'm a way better driver than you". I walked outside and got in the drivers seat of Jason's car. "Dude how do you get these kinds of cars" I asked him. He shrugged and said "Drug money. Be careful with it. And oh do you want some" he said holding it a bag of weed. I looked at him with a 'duh' face and took it out of his and and put it in the backseat. I also saw a gun in the back. "Why do you have a gun?" I asked. "Um to shoot any people that have major road rage." He said with a serious tone. I shrugged it off and started the way to school.
*Skip Car Ride*

We walked into the school and all the girls came up to me asking me different questions. Then I look behind them and saw the mean girls flipping me off. I rolled my eyes and went up to class. What did they always have against me?  "Good morning class we have a new student today. Her name is Camila Cabello. She is from Miami. Let's be nice to her ok" Mr.Pratt said giving me a stern look. I looked around the room pretending not to know who he was talking to. "Mr.Derulo. You will not be sitting beside Mr.Y/L/N until the end of the semester" he said looking at me and Jason. He moved to the front of the class. Then he told Camila to sit beside me. She looked down at her books and started walking towards her seat. I yelled out "Nerd" and it made her drop her books. One of the 'Mean Girls' helped her pick up her books but threw one at me. "Ms.Jauregui do we have a problem" Mr.Pratt said to Lauren. "No" she said and turned back around. Camila came and sit down beside me and I stared at her. She was looking at the board writing everything down. I sighed and do like I always do. Pull out my phone and text Leigh or Jason. Or simply Draw. I decided to text Leigh.

To 🔥Leigh🔥:

Hey Baby.

From 🔥Leigh🔥:

Um we need to talk😐

To 🔥Leigh🔥:

I can't right now but how about today after school

From 🔥Leigh🔥:

Ugh...ok baby. Love you


Love you too 😍😘

After me and Leigh's strange text I decided to play Flappy Bird (quick think I thought about). After about 3 minutes of playing Flappy Bird. I see a text come in from Jason

From 💩Jason💩:

Bro up front is so boring.

To 💩Jason💩:


Then I feel a piece of paper hit my forehead. I look up to see Jason turned around sticking his tongue out.

From 💩Jason💩:

Just for that your going to owe me 2 dollars.

To 💩Jason💩:

New phone who dis?

From 💩Jason💩:

OMG SHUT UP. BYE. Oh and Mr.Pratt is staring at you. 😂

I lock my phone and slip it into my boxers.  "So Mr.Y/L/N what is the square root of 653,544,138 (random number)." Mr Pratt says walking up to me. "21" I say in my best impression. I hear Jason start laughing "Be quiet Mr.Derulo" Mr.Pratt says in a stern tone. "If I catch you on your phone-" He started saying "Yeah Yeah we all know. You will call my parents and I will banned from bringing it to school until the rest of the semester. But guess what Mr.Pratt. I don't have parents anymore. I live with my girlfriend,my best friend and his girlfriend and my babysitter. So stop reminding me. And if you will take it why haven't you taken it already." I yelled out to him. He nodded and went back to his lesson. Then I started remembering the flash back.

Jason and I were outside playing football. Our babysitter Demi was sitting outside watching us. Both of our parents went out to a double date. Jason and I being 12 Year old boys started wrestling. (My parents had me at 17 and Jason's parents had him at 18) Demi then called us inside to eat lunch. After we ate Demi went upstairs to answer the phone. Then Demi came running down the stairs and told us to hurry up and get in the car. After we got in the car she sped off really quick. We showed up at the hospital. Me and Jason gave each other worried looks. Demi said our parents names to the secretary and then ran back to us. She grabbed our hands and dragged us into the surgery waiting room. The doctors told us to wait. Demi pulled is into a tight hug and said a quick prayer. We didn't know what was going on. A doctor came out and called Demi over. He told her something that made her start crying. Demi slowly walked over to us. "Boys everything will be ok. I'm always going to be here for you" we nodded and she continued "Boys your parents were on the way home. Then an 18 wheeler crags red into your parents car. The doctors thought they could survive but they couldn't. But I will always be here and I will always love you." By the time she was finished me and Jason were crying so hard. Demi pulled us into a hug and we walked out of the hospital.
                 End of Flashback

"Y/N are you ok" Mr.Pratt asked me. I didn't realize I was crying. I nodded and put my head down. By the time class was over, I barely stopped crying. Usually Jason and I go to the restroom and smoke or find a girl but I didn't feel like it. I skipped reading class which was 10 minutes and then I went to lunch. "Yo Y/N are you ok." Jason said running up to me. I nodded and he pulled me into a hug. "I know what you were thinking about. And I feel the same way" he whispered into me ear. Then I hear the 'Mean Girls' start talking about me. "Hey Y/N I didn't know you had a soft side. Such a cry baby" Normani yells out to me. "YOU KNOW WHAT. SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU HO-" I started but Jason covered my mouth and dragged me down the hall. Then the school principal Mr.Cowell came up to me. "Y/N I'm going to send you home. Mr.Pratt told me about your out break in class and how you've been crying a lot." I nodded and started out the door. Then Jason comes up and sprints in front of me. "Your not going home without me ". He says and I chuckle lightly. Then we go in his car and start the way home

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