Chapter 15

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I look at my phone and read the text. I started thinking it was one of my friends so I text back.

Heheh very funny. But stop I'm trying to go to sleep. I have to go to school.

I turn my phone off and go to sleep.


I hear a loud bang and a car alarm go off. I look out of the window and I see my car. I run downstairs and look at it closely. 'Hope it was worth it'I read in white spray paint. My window was busted and my tires were shot. There was a note inside of the car.

Dear Y/N

I see your car is messed up. Hope you have fun at school tomorrow. We will see who will be laughing at the end of this. Have a good day. And this is only part 1


I punch the door of my car and walk upstairs. I slam the door shut and see Bea inside sitting on the couch. "Y/N what happened to your car" she asked nervously. "Umm........I don't know but don't worry about it" I say sitting down. "Uh ok and what about these text" she said handing me my phone.

Unknown (Camila/You)Where stories live. Discover now