Chapter 20

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I was laying on the couch with Brandon in my arms. Camila was laying by my side. All of the sudden Brandon jumped up out of my arms and laid on Camila. "Momma" he said pulling her sweater. "No Brandon. That's-" She cut my off by kissing my cheek. "It's ok. I'm fine.As long as your ok with it" She whispers in my ear. I nod and they cuddle. I turn on my Ps4 and start playing The Last of Us. I laid on the floor. Camila got on my back as usual and Brandon climbed on top of her. "You know if I jump all of you are going to fall off. And this game is scary"I say. She nods and kisses my shoulder. "Do you know what's special tomorrow." She says playing with my hair. "No. Should I" I say nervously. "It's your Birthday you idiot"She says laughing. "Oh. Hehe. What are we doing " I ask. "Well I was gonna give you a surprise. But we have Brandon. So that has to be changed. But they girls are coming over to play games" She says. "Ok. What kind of games." I say smirking. "Adult truth or dare" She says getting off of me. "Yaaay!!" I scream making Brandon cry. "Oops" I say turning off my game system. We were talking and then the doorbell rang. "Open up idiots" Lauren yells from the other side. I open the door and the girls looked shocked. "What's with all the baby stuff. Are you guys expecting or babysitting" Dinah ask. "No. I have a son but Mila isn't the biological mother" I say picking up Brandon."He's so adorable" Ally says taking him out of my arms. "I'd like to have your Jeans"Normani mumbles. "I heard that. But if I wasn't dating. Maybe we could-"I start and Camila slaps the back of my head. "Oww. What was that for" I say rubbing my head. "I heard you" she says crossing her arms. I smirk and walk off. "So Y/N how old is he" Lauren says playing with his feet. "8 months" I say. "So we are gonna stay over to plan your Birthday" Dinah says taking out the whip cream. Then she sprays it at me. Brandon giggles while I chase after Dinah. I cross my arms and stomp over to Camila.She smirks and kisses me. I deepen the kiss and she falls back on her back. "OH MY GOD. THATS DISGUSTING. YOU NEED JESUS. ALLY GET THE HOLY WATER"Dinah screams out. We all started laughing. "Go to sleep Y/N. You can't hear our plans" Normani said pushing me up the stairs. I nod and lay down.

Skip to the next day

"WAKE UP Y/N"Dinah says slapping my chest. I look at my stomach and there is a hand print. I groan and get up. I walk to the restroom to brush my teeth and a bucket of water falls on my head. "DINAH"I scream out and I hear feet run down the stairs. I shrug and brush my teeth and walk downstairs. "Happy Birthday Babe" Camila says kissing my cheek. I grin and go sit on the couch. Brandon had a shirt on that said 'Happy Birthday Daddy'.  "Since you woke up late we are giving you your lunch instead of breakfast." Ally say putting Subway infront of me. I clap my hands and starts eating.Camila put a hat on me that said Birthday Boy. Brandon pulled the string,causing it to slap on my face. "Owww" I rub my chin while the girls laugh. I groan and continued eating. "alright. Since its 4:30 we are gonna start the games. We're gonna start off with twister" Lauren sad smirking. She knew I hated twister. It's painful and you end up in weird positions. I groaned and got on the floor to play. "Y/N goes first" Ally exclaimed. I nod and spin the wheel. I put my Hands on blue and my feet on green

The game continued and by the time it was over I was under Camila,Normani was on top of Lauren and Ally and Dinah are side by side. "TIME TO PLAY ADULT TRUTH OR DARE" Camila yells out. I go first again. "Y/N truth or dare" Dinah ask. "Truth" I say. "Is it true that you and Camila did the dirty" She asked smirking. I shake my head quickly while everyone laughs. The game goes around and then comes back to me. "Truth or Dare"Lauren asked smirking. "Dare" I said taking a sip of beer. "I dare you to take a body shot off Camila" Lauren says causing everyone to gasp. I nod and pick up Camila.She giggled and I laid her on the table. As I pulled out the stuff I heard a cry. "Seriously.....guys I'll be back" I mumble running upstairs. I get Brandon out of his crib and sit with him. "Sweep wif you" He says pulling my shirt. I gasp in shock and run downstairs. "Guys. Brandon said his first word besides mom or dad!"I scream. They all gasp and clap their hands making Brandon giggle."I sweepy" He screams startling everyone. All of the girls raised there hands to cuddle with him. "Brandon. Go to the one you want to cuddle with" I say putting him down. He nods and crawls to Camila and sits on her lap. She smiles and wraps her arms around him.

"This was the best Birthday ever. Thanks guys" I say hugging the girls. "Aw. No problem man. Have fun and take care of that handsome boy of yours" Normani says. I smile and close the door. I go upstairs to Camila and I's room and see her and Brandon cuddling upstairs. She is rubbing his head while he was sleeping. I smile at the sight and go lay on the bed. "This was the best birthday ever" I whisper pecking Camila on the lips.

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