Chapter 3: From Tobin

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Tobin's POV
I was a little hurt after Lauren's call. I felt guilty because she was right, I was ignoring her calls. I just don't know why I don't want to talk to her.

"Ugh Kelley I'm such a terrible friend. Alex probably hate me right now and Lauren is probably still pissed with me."
"Your not a terrible friend Tobs, you just made a big mistake."

"Something just doesn't seem right between me and Alex. Or it's just me."
"Honestly I think it's just you Tobs. Alex hasn't done anything wrong that I know of. And I'm always here if you ever need anything."

"Thanks Kel."

Kelleys POV
"I'm going out for a run Kelley, just to clear my head."
"Okay see you later."

Once Tobin left I heard my phone ring. It was Lauren. After Lauren's conversation with Tobin I was a little scared...

K: "hello?"
L: "hey Kelley, it's Lauren."
K: "what's up Cheney?"
L: "not much just checking in."
K: "or you just want to talk about Alex and Tobin."
L: "yea I was getting there. But I don't feel like talking about this through the phone."
K: "how else do you want to talk about this?"
L: "are team has a one week break, I already booked a flight to Portland, I'll be there in two days."
K: "oh Lauren that's great! Can't wait to see you."

After we hung up she told me to keep it a surprise for Tobin. That's gonna be interesting when she gets here.

Lauren's POV
*leaving for Portland*
Alex and ARod came with me to the airport. Once my flight got called I gave Alex a hug first.
"I'll be back soon baby horse. Just don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."
" I won't, I promise." Alex said.
After that I gave ARod a hug.
"Keep an eye on Alex for me while I'm gone." I whisper into her ear.
"I will. Tell Tobin and Kelley I said hi."

I gave them one last wave and went on my plane. I told ARod to keep an eye on Alex because she gets emotional at times and sometimes it gets really serious. Right now wasn't really the right time to leave her but I just need to get to Portland and talk to Tobin and Kelley.

Before the plane took off I texted Kelley.
"Plane is just about to take off, I'll be there at around 3."
I took a long nap on the plane. After about a 5 hour flight we were there.

Once I got off the plane I immediately heard Kelley.
"CHENEY!" I looked around until I found her. I walked over to her and gave her a hug.
"Hey KO."

She helped with my bags then we went out to her car and we drove  back to her hotel.
"Does Tobin know?" I ask.
"She has no clue."
"Okay good."
"Are you still mad at her?" Kelley asked me.
"Yea a little." I respond back.

Once we got to the hotel Kelley helped me unpack my stuff then we just waited for Tobin to get back.
Kelley and me just talked for a while until we heard the door open. It was Tobin.
""Hey Tobin." I said.

Tobin's POV
I was surprised to see her here. And honestly slightly scared.
"Wha... What are you doing her?" I ask.
"I came to talk to you."

She didn't seem as pissed anymore but I know she still is.
"Um I think I'm going to my room so I can let you guys talk." Kelley said.

I sat across from where Lauren was sitting.
"Why Tobin?"
"I don't know Lauren..."
"Well of course there has to be a reason."
"I've just been caught up in other things..."
"TOBIN! That's not an excuse to not answer your phone when YOUR best friend is calling!"
"Maybe I'm not worthy enough to be her friend! Maybe she deserves a better friend then me!
"Tobin you need to snap out of it and wake up and see what's going on around here! Don't you remember how you acted when Alex left? You were depressed. And if she acts the same way you did, I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with you Tobin."

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