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People came running down the hallway to see where the scream came from, they opened every door except the one that Maxwell froze, and they couldn't get that one open so they ended up calling the fire department to come and break the door down, once the fire department broke the door down the seen the dead body of the surgeon and called the cops. The High Counsel decided to inspect the place but Maxwell wasn't with them, and the only person who wondered where Maxwell was at was Shia. "Hey Adrian, do you know where Maxwell is?" "Nope and to tell the truth, I think I know why he isn't with us." Adrian said. "What do you mean?" Shia questioned. "I mean I think it happened to him again, remember last time he got possessed he just went haywire and killed like 30 people, superhuman or not I'm afraid to say it but, I think Maxwell was the cause of the surgeons death and if we are too late he could be the cause of many more." Shia was socked that Arian would come up with such an inference like he did, but she knew he was most likely right.

"Shia is stressed" Adrian told Damien. "she just has too many things on her mind, Tambar could be out there possessing super humans to do the worst, Jacob on the verge of losing his mind, and now Maxwell, poor Maxwell, he was Shia's best friend and now she might just lose him again CRAP!" Adrian slammed his fist down into the metal table, and it shattered onto the ground making it look like a million sparks just flew off from a firework, just with less color. Damien moved his hand in a wiping motion and the particles of the table collected together and reformed into the same table that was there once before. "Instead of breaking tables, we could at least try and look for Maxwell." Damien suggested. "That's crazy, and leave Jacob here in an illusion open for an attack, he is vulnerable right now we just need to wait for the results to come back so we can all go and look for Tambar and put an end to all these illusions and possessions happening around here. Damien knew Adrian had a point, Adrian always has a point after all he is the brains of the High Counsel.

As Shia and Phoenix walked down the corridor to the lunch room, Shia gazed upon a broken window and walked over to it. "What are you doing Shia?" Phoenix asked. "Come look at this, around the edges of the window pane there's... ice." Shia said with wonder filled eyes. "You think it's from Maxwell?" Phoenix questioned. "Only one way to find out." And with that said, Shia made a leap out the window and with a quick decision Phoenix followed after. "SHIA WAIT!"

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