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"HELP ME!" A distant voice screamed, Jacob looked towards the ocean "That's where the voice sounded like it came from." He said to himself. Jacob bends his knees and jumps across the ocean onto a simple and deserted island to where he heard the screams come from, and then he looked under the water and seen...Maxwell. It was then when Jacob looked up at the sky and saw it turn red and the ocean that was once a clear blue turned into a very desolate and power draining black, and then a much built figure came rising from the water, looking almost as if it was dead stared right into the eyes of Jacob seeming like it was trying to reach his soul in some sort of way, but then he noticed that the figure he saw wasn't just some random figure that grew from the water it was, Maxwell. "Oh my god!" Jacob screamed in a quick gasp. Then all at once in an abrupt motion Jacob seen Tambar's body raise from the water beside Maxwell's, and he seen that Tambar had ropes that seemed to be attached to the back of Maxwell coming from Tambar's finger tips, then he spoke. "Jacob, I want the ninth key and I will stop at nothing to achieve it, and if you will not be a use to me then I will have to find it myself but until my body is ready, I will have to use this body it's not mine but it will do until my body is perfection, when I find the key Jacob it won't be the end, no it will only be the beginning so I hope your ready Jacob, ready for war." Then Tambar and Maxwell both slammed under the water and as that happened Jacob was awakened to the beeping of the monitor and he jumped up as fast as he could and looked at both Adrian and Damien.

"What happened in there, are you ok, what did you see?" Adrian asked eagerly. "Slow down Adrian, let the boy get his thoughts together the scientist says when the monitor beeps like it did that means it picked up some serious action inside the illusions, Jacob tell us what happened when you're ready." Damien commented calmly. "I saw, Maxwell." Jacob exclaimed. "What do you mean you saw Maxwell, how did he get in your illusion." Adrian said forcefully. "He was being controlled, when I seen him he looked dead and drained of power as if he was under some sort of spell or daze, but then I seen Tambar behind him and he said something about the ninth key again, and how he was just using Maxwell's body for the mean time until his body is perfections, what does this mean is he getting his body back Damien?" Damien had a look of sorrow and fright on his face but he changed it to be able to have a response for Jacob. "I'm afraid so Jacob, and we can't do anything about him getting his body back, the only thing we can do is find the ninth key before him and contain it along with the other keys so he won't be able to get any of them." Damien said with a look of depression. "What happens if he gets all the keys?" Jacob asked out of curiosity, but then Adrian and Damien looked at each other as Adrian got a call from Phoenix. "Hello?" Adrian answered the phone. "We found Maxwell and Shia has him contained in a force field but I don't think it's gonna hold for long, I think you guys should get down here." "On our way, try and hold him for as long as you can." Adrian hangs up. "Sorry Jacob looks like we gotta leave that question unanswered for now, we have a possessed superhuman to deal with right now.

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