Chapter 31: Fighting Back

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SPARX never returned after Spyro had yelled at him, and it was eating away at Spyro. How could he drive him away like that? He was his best friend, one of his only friends still alive. Almost all of Artisans Dragons remained as crystalline prisoners thanks to the Sorceress and Gnasty. And as for the Council of Elders, Spyro knew that the Sorceress must have killed them all after he and Cynder escaped. He had lost everything, and now it was time to get it back.

After about two months since his escape from the Sorceress, Spyro had become familiar with the interconnected resistance that has emerged as a result of centuries of oppression by the Sorceress. The extent at which the Sorceress had been terrorizing the whole world was eye opening to him. Though Spyro had suffered so much because of the Sorceress, so had so many innocent creatures for so long, and Spyro wasn't going to allow it to continue any longer. The Council of Elders had faith in him that he would rise and be the Dragon end her reign of terror. They had bet their entire specie's livelihood on it, and though they may have paid the price because Spyro wasn't ready, their sacrifice wouldn't be in vain.

Spyro had met with the Professor like Sheila had promised, and it was nice to see that he was alive and well. Though the Professor still mourned for Elora and those that had died when the Sorceress and Malefor invaded their town, he was still as happy as ever to see that Spyro was alive and had grown in the six years since they had last seen each other. Most of the books and devices he had were still intact, and Spyro had learned a lot about himself and the Power Gems during his stay with the Professor. The Professor also promised Spyro that he could in fact free all the Dragons still trapped in Artisans so long as they were "in tacked." If a Dragon stature was shattered for any reason, they wouldn't be able to be brought back to life. Hopefully, the Sorceress hadn't bothered to truly finish off every remaining Dragon.

Spyro, Cynder, Sheila, and the Professor now were currently in a tundra known as Frozen Altars. Though it was freezing outside, Spyro had acclimated very fast. The professor had informed him that as a Purple Dragon, he had a special connection to all elemental forms of magic, including water and ice. He said that soon, he could even manipulate this magic's similar to how he could manipulate fire. The same couldn't be said for Cynder, who was struggling to stay warm. She stayed close to the fire she had made and shivered as the meeting started. Sheila joined here, wearing a heavy coat made out of fur.

"So this is the Dragon" Sargent James Byrd said as he looked at Spyro, Cynder, Sheila, and the Professor. The Professor had kept in contact with several key members of the resistance via his "radio" and "telephone" inventions he was so proud of. The infrastructure was in place (primarily thanks to the portal tech he had finally figured out) for a well-coordinated resistance that spanned Avalar. Now was the time for action.

"Yes, name's Spyro" Spyro said before the Professor could respond.

"Do you really believe Professor that this Dragon can defeat the Sorceress?" Byrd responded doubtfully.

"Yes I do." The Professor responded confidently.

"Well it's not just the Sorceress I'm worried about, Professor. The Sorceress is in command of a Rhynoc army, and she has used those mercenaries to enforce and quell any small resistance's that sprung up in her territories for centuries. It's going to take a systematic uprising to defeat her armies all across Avalar. And even that isn't going to be enough to stop the Sorceress. Her control over dark magic is to complete, I've personally seen her decimate entire armies with her Power Gem. I doubt this young Dragon has what it takes to stand up to her."

"With all due respect, Byrd," Spyro cut in, "The Sorceress has enslaved my entire home world. The only Dragons to escape are me and Cynder. Her vendetta against Dragons has led to the 'systematic' destruction of everything I ever held sacred. Her magic has entrapped every Dragon in the Five Dragon Realms into crystals, and can destroy them at any time she wishes. She has also killed my father and my grandfather, both of whom sacrificed their lives so that I can live. For what she has done to me, for what she has taken from me, I will take her down, I guarantee it."

"Yeah, well... I'm going to need more than a promise, Spyro. Centuries of death and destruction have led to several with stories like yours, who also want to take that bitch down. What makes you any different?"

"If I may, Sargent Byrd," the Professor interjected, "There is a very special reason as to why Spyro can defeat the Sorceress. You see, like her, Spyro can wield the power of the Power Gems. He can rival her command of those Gems and use them to defeat her. I saw it six years ago, and I know he can do it. It's his destiny, to avenge his race and their failure to stop the Sorceress all those centuries ago."

"Aye, if it isn't a Dragon. So you weren't being mendacious James." a large Yeti said as he walked into the igloo everyone was gathered in.

"Well hello, Bentley, surprised to see you're still alive. How did your raid of Icy Peaks go? I assume you completed the objective."

"Indubitably, my Spheniscidae Sargent."

"Ah yes, your overuse of obfuscation is both enthralling and exasperating as usual my friend. Spyro, Cynder, this is Bentley, the general of the Yeti resistance and a personal friend."

"Sure am, can you believe this diminutive flightless fowl resuscitated my life? Apprehended by Rhynocs numerous years ago, and he surreptitiously ambush's their base of operations, and together we fought our way out."

"Umm... right." Spyro said confusedly.

"Well, don't underestimate this purple Dragon, James. I grew up on the folklores of Dragons. After all, they use to keep peace and order throughout all of Avalar."

"You may be right, Bentley, but any plan to actually fight the armies of the Sorceress solely depends on this Dragon's ability to kill her, and I'm not sure I want to authorize this offensive it results in too many sacrificing their lives."

"James," Sheila said as he finished. "If we have any chance, any hope of ending the terror of the Sorceress, we should take it. Her tyranny has to end, she's cause too much death. Anyone of us would sacrifice our lives to make it happen, and so would anyone of your soldiers. If it meant their families would live free. Isabelle would understand."

James looked away before regaining his composure. "No, I'm not betting the lives of every solider in my command on this stranger."

"James," Bentley said, "This is the endgame. This is our opportunity. We march into Artisans, free the Dragons, and we use the combined efforts of all the races of Avalar and take down the Sorceress. We have to, for those who have left us. I know Bartholomew would want me to go for it, if he was still with us."

Just then, another Penguin entered the igloo and handed James an envelope. He opened it and shook his head in disappointment. It was as he feared.

"What is it, James?" Sheila said worriedly.

James sighed before he told everyone in the room "It's a report from one of Panda towns imprisoned by the Sorceress. It... says that the Sorceress has somehow collected all seven Power Gems."

Everyone was speechless. "How did she take them from Malefor?" Spyro thought to himself. "She must have killed him."

"The Sorceress must have taken them from Spyro's uncle, the other surviving Dragon" Cynder said downheartedly.

"Just when things couldn't get any worse" Sheila mumbled. A couple of minutes passed by, and then there was a commotion heard outside, and everyone turned to better hear what was going on. Spyro walked outside and froze once he saw who had approached. It was Thomas and Magnus who had somehow found where Spyro was. They looked like hell, but were alive. Cynder also looked in disbelief at the two Elders, while Spyro ran towards his grandfather. They hugged, and then Spyro begged for an explanation.

"How... how are you alive, and how did you find me?" Spyro asked emotionally.

"Well, the answer to that question is hard to answer. It's pretty cold here, think we can talk about this somewhere else?"

"I thought you said all remaining Dragons were dead or crystalized, Spyro?" James said as he waddled outside to see what was going on?

"I'll explain later," Spyro said excitedly, "but first, do you have a place big enough to house us all for a while, James?"

"Sure, we can go to my... private quarters."

The group entered James' house. The Elder Dragons could barely get through the door, but managed after a concerted effort. Bentley also had to duck to get through the front door. Spyro noticed a picture of a female penguin on the wall. "Isabella" Spyro thought.

"Elders," Cynder asked, "Please, tell us what happened? Spyro and I both thought the remaining four councildragons were killed?

"Titan and Astor were killed by the Sorceress and Red respectively, but Magnus and I were saved... by Malefor."

"Malefor!" Spyro said astonished.

"He's the treacherous Dragon, Right?" Sheila asked trying to understand what had happened. "Or was that Red?"

"Red was a councildragon who had betrayed us to help the Sorceress' Mangus said. "He was killed by Thomas' son, Malefor. He then challenged the Sorceress for our lives and for sole possession of all seven Power Gems. In the process, Thomas and I were able to use the portal in Artisans to escape from the area, flee to a different place then where we sent Spyro for fear of her finding out where you were. We then destroyed the portal we emerged from and then searched for you. We don't know what happened in the fight between Malefor and the Sorceress. After we escaped, we proceeded to track you down, Spyro. You've defiantly been busy."

"I'm sorry to inform you of this," James said once Magnus had finished, "But the Sorceress is alive and well according to me latest report from the village of Pandas that borders her capital. And she also is in possession of all the Power Gems."

"Then Malefor must have been defeated by the Sorceress." Thomas said depressed.

"Thomas, Magnus," The Professor spoke, "You should know that I have discovered a way to reverse the spell used by the Sorceress to entrap your people in Crystals. I think our plan to retake Artisans shouldn't stop because of what we've heard today. I still have confidence that Spyro is a match for the Sorceress. We can only give up hope when we're dead."

"Your confidence in my grandson is admirable" Thomas said to the Professor. "I will put that same faith into the resistance of Avalar as well. And the Dragon Realms appreciates your bravery and sacrifice, everyone."

Spyro and his friends had a plan, the odds were low, but they still had hope.

Malefor studied Sparx as he was immobilized in his entrapment spell. He could recall this creature early in his childhood; he buzzed around him for a while, and then never saw it again. But now he knew what this creature's purpose was. This immortal dragonfly funneled power from the Gems, and supposedly was a conduit to the convexity for those who managed to access that power. Malefor earlier hashed it out with the Sorceress around a week ago. Once his father and his friend had escaped Artisans, he needed to make the Sorceress believe that she had killed him, and allowed her to take his Power Gems. It was a gamble, but he needed Spyro to face the Sorceress and have the full power of the Gems at his disposal. It was the best way for him to win the altercation. And then he could proceed with his plan.

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