Chapter 45: Altered Future Part 1

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"Crash" she said as she laid in her bed. She could barely get the words out of her mouth. "These few months have been perfect, Crash. Thank you for freeing me... for showing me what love is."

Crash held her hand as the sky slowly darkened. It was going to rain soon.

"I love you, Crash." her eyes closed and her head tilted to the side.

"I love you, too." Crash whispered to her.

She was gone. And Crash had never even given her a name yet. It was unbearable. He felt ashamed, desolate, undeserving of her love. But why did he love her? What commended him to feel this way the first time he ever laid eyes on her? Why did she love me back? What do I do now?

Crash, naked and alone, stumbled to the beachfront. It was cloudy and the ocean was turbulent. He couldn't watch the sunset today, it would be the first time he would watch it alone. With the pain swelling inside of him on this gloomy day, it became painfully obvious to him just how alone he was and will be. There wasn't anyone else like him or like "her". I, Crash as I was called by "her," was forever alone. So why should he be like this anymore? Why couldn't he just not... be? Once, Crash had observed the tribesmen on this island burry one of their fallen. So he would do the same for her. "It was a better fate than leaving her alone on this beach," Crash thought. "Maybe I could join her in that pit? So that she didn't have to be as alone as I felt". The place Crash chose was their favorite spot to sit together, under the shade of particularly close palm tree to the ocean. He dug at the base of the palm tree as it started to rain. But as he removed the sand and dirt from the ground, he discovered something as he excavated. A red notebook and a strange looking talisman.

Dr. Cortex looked at his good work from his zeppelin. Three Power Crystals were onboard his ship, along with some of his better mutants and some scientists. One of the proximity sensors alerted him that there was a surviving human shaped heat signature almost directly below. He decided to investigate, not wishing to leave one Butakan alive if he could help it. He told N Brio and Tiny to accompany him. When the landing party arrived on the ground, Cortex noticed his formal general dragging himself forward from the blaze that was Budakan. A trail of blood could be barely seen in the dim light, although some light from the conflagration nine the distance did shine on the pools of blood Crash was leaving behind. He noticed the three figures in front of him, but he simply dragged himself forward a few more feet before collapsing on the ground, exhausted and on the brink of death. For once in his life, Cortex took pity on and decided his first creation was still useful. Although Crash was mortally wounded by the mutants that were in Budakan, and burned in several places because of the fire, he had saved Niko's life. And he could thank the Atlas for that.

"Get him to the zeppelin immediately. My general has returned."

"Cortex," Dr. Brio asked skeptically, "We do not have the technology on this island base to save Subject C1's life. We'd have to take him to your space station."

"I'm aware, N Brio! And I expect you to save his life using the Cybernetic Engine. We have an excellent opportunity to see if it works."

"The Roboticize Protocol? That technology isn't even of this Earth? You don't certainly expect me to be able to save the Bandicoot's live with that technology."

"You can and you will, Brio. After all, it saved my niece's life."

"What happened to you nice was your fault. And what you did to the Budakan Village was going too far. I agreed to help you in your quest to understand the Power Gems because of our friendship. But I can't help you down this heinous path any longer afterwards."

"Fool! Do you think I care about moral conundrums anymore! I am on the cusp of achieving ultimate power. And I will do whatever it takes to obtain it. Now you will revive Subject C1 not because of our friendship, but because I ordered you to!"

"What would your brother think of you now, Cortex?"

"My Brother can't think of anything. He's dead."

IF any of the Villagers gathered on this beach slept at all, Niko would have been surprised. It was dawn on the island of Budakan. The smell of smoke could still be smelt on the beachfront. Cries of small children could be heard to Niko's left. Those who survived the scorching of their home were now hungry, frightened, confused, and wondering where their now dead family members could be. Many of them were burned in several locations, suffered from smoke inhalation, or injured in some other way. One boy in particular was wailing fairly closely to Niko and Coco's location. He must have been only five years old, who knows if his parents were still alive. No adults were within his vicinity, and the other Budakans around were busy dealing with their own losses. Coco stood up from beside Niko, and approached the young Budakan with a smile on her face.

<Hey there little man, where's your mommy and daddy?>

<I don't... know> the little Budakan said crying uncontrollably. <Daddy just said to run, that mommy was fine and that she would meet... meet me here by the beach.>

Niko knew what happen to this poor child. His family was attacked by those unholy mutants of Cortex's and his father told him to run, so that he didn't have to see his dead mother and his father die. "I was supposed to be a warrior." Niko thought to himself. "But as my people died beside me, I froze." But Crash didn't. I was so skeptically of him for the first month I met him. But he was so calm and kind; you couldn't help but trust him. Niko thought back to the first time he and Crash went fishing together. He had told him about his mother, and how after she died, Coco was devastated, but slowly took on her role in his family, and how Coco had seemed to be happier when he was around. It doesn't seem like it would make a whole lot of sense. A creature created by the evilest man in the world, who just destroyed my entire culture, would save my life when I was surrounded by mutants and fire.

<Don't worry. Your father will be here any moment. Now go join the adults behind you. I'm sure you're hungry.>

Niko new she had lied to the child. Just like how he could tell from the uncertainty in her voice that she was thinking of father as well. Murdered like a wild boar right in front of us. The raping of my village. The destruction of our culture. Crash's sacrifice. It wouldn't stand. Not If I had anything to do about it.

Coco stood up from where she kneeled and saw the rage in her brother's face, while Niko noticed the tears falling down her face.

<I'm going to kill him. With my own two hands I will avenge our father's death.>

Niko was expecting Coco to try to stop him. Instead, she stared at her younger brother intently, and then responded coldly.

<When do we leave, brother?>

Her response shocked Niko. She was never a person for violence. But he could see it now, her tearful expression replaced by a rage for blood that could only be quelled by vengeance, a warrior's pain.

<Yeah, when do we leave?> It was Kawabata. <As far as I'm concerned, you don't exactly know where Cortex is at the moment.>

<It doesn't matter, Kawabata. I will find him. I don't need your help or my sisters. I must have my vengeance alone and with honor.>

<I am a Budakan and am as entitled to vengeance as you are, Niko. And I've been to Cortex's island before, not to mention that I'm older than you are. I don't think in good conscious let you and your sister plunge into this danger alone.>

<My age doesn't have anything to do with this! My father was murdered by Cortex and he must be avenged!> Niko also had another reason to seek vengeance. For Crash, who had become his brother during the past months, and was responsible for him being alive. He should have stood and fought by his side. Instead he ran, just like when his father was murdered in front of him.

<Niko,> Coco said quite calmly, <You're not going alone. You're not the only one who needs revenge. And it isn't only father who needs avenging.>

"It was like she was reading my thoughts" Niko said silently. Niko wasn't going to change his sister's mind. She was too stubborn for that.

<Yes, the orange mutant.> Kawabata said, stunning Coco and Niko. They thought no one else knew of him.

<He saved Niko's life in the fire. I was skeptical of you two's "relationship" with the creature, but after his heroics yesterday, he deserves a warrior's burial and honor from us Budakans. It would be my honor to aid you in avenging his life as well. Hopefully the power of my father can course through my veins when we combat Cortex.> He held Aku-Aku in his hands and draped the artifact around his neck. Budakan's witch doctor had not survived the fire, Niko thought. We will need his power and wisdom now more than ever.

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