Chapter 7: From the Ashes, A Hero is Born

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IF any of the villagers gathered on this beach slept at all, Crash would have been surprised. It was dawn on the island of Budakan. The smell of smoke could still be smelt on the beachfront. Cries of small children could be heard to Crash's left. Those who survived the scorching of their home were now hungry, frightened, confused, and wondering where their now dead family members could be. Many of them were burned in several locations, suffered from smoke inhalation, or injured in some other way. Coco's slummed over in desolation to Crash's right, now having to deal with losing her father and brother for the rest of her life. One boy in particular was wailing fairly closely to Crash and Coco's location. He must have been only five years old, who knows if his parents were still alive. No adults were within his vicinity, and the other Budakans around were busy dealing with their own losses. Crash was reminded of the family he lost. He stood up from beside Coco; he climbed a wampa tree that boarded the beach, and picked a wampa from the tree. He dropped down, walked over to the crying child, knelt beside him and offered the wampa fruit to him. The boy stopped crying and froze in place. He had never seen Crash before, or any creature like Crash before. Crash was only four feet, six inches tall; his soft, green eyes and happy yet calm demeanor probably helped reassure the child that Crash wasn't a threat. He timidly removed the fruit from Crash's hand and took a small bite into it.

One of the older, taller, tribesman who was gathered on the beach noticed Crash and the young boy in front of him. He recognized that Crash was one of Cortex's creations, and was enraged with hatred and anger.

˂Hey you!˃ yelled the large tribesman, ˂Yeah, you, the little orange freak! Get away from that boy!˃ The other tribesmen, alerted by the noise and seeing Crash, also became equally angry. Several Budakans gathered around Crash and the young boy; a mob ready to take their frustration out on Cortex's mutant. Crash could understand the crowd's anger. Though he was not responsible for the destruction of the Native Fortress, he allowed the irate man to vent.

˂You have some nerve showing yourself here, freak! Our chief was murdered like livestock in front of our village by your bastard of a creator! He has invaded our islands, mascaraed our people, and stolen our tribe's Power Crystal. You are one of his abominations, an unholy creation. You have NO right to exist! ˃ The large man stepped forward, rage filling his eyes. The little boy, who before was enjoying his wampa fruit, now ran away from the confrontation.

˂HEY!˃ Coco screamed from behind Crash. Her voice was raspy, crude, and full of emotion. ˂All of you get away from him, NOW!˃ She stormed towards the crowed and got in between them and Crash. ˂He is my fried... my, my family. The ONLY family I have left!˃ The crowed now saw that this was the Chief's daughter. The little boy returned from where he ran to, and stood behind Coco, still holding the pit of a wampa fruit in his left hand. ˂He has been like a brother to me the past several months. He is kind, he is compassionate, and he values life. He is no slave to Cortex's ambitions. And even though all of you were ordered by Cortex to find and capture him all those months ago, he still tried to stop Cortex's assault on the Native Fortress, and when he couldn't stop them by himself, he warned my father of the impending attack. Yet my father didn't listen to him and instead tried to kill Crash. He ignored Crash's pleas to evacuate Budaka, and for his arrogance, Cortex killed him, my brother, and all those unfortunate enough not to evacuate the village in time.˃

The anger and frustration in Coco's voice stunned the crowed. And the way she insulted the chief and defended Crash shocked them, too. But, they couldn't ignore what she had just said, and if it was true, this meant that Crash was not their enemy, but a hero.

˂Coco, I don't know what to say˃ the tall Budakan said slowly and almost inaudibly.

˂You can say you're sorry! And from now on, Crash is a Budakan, and to be treated as such, understood!˃

The tribesman bowed towards Crash and said his apology, before returning to the rest of the Budakans. Coco turned, and looked at Crash. Crash then came up to her and hugged her.

˂Family˃ he uttered in his silly voice.

˂Yes˃ Coco muttered in a tearful but happy expression.

Crash then let go of Coco and walked toward the forest.

˂Where are you going?˃ Coco asked in confusion. After a brief moment, Crash responded using his SAD:

"I'm going to stop Cortex. This time I won't fail. Though I can't kill him, maybe I can stop him... if I steal the Power Gems and destroy his base."

"Wait, you're going to stop him, alone? Crash... how?"

"I won't be alone, for Aku-Aku will help me." He pointed at the talisman he wore on his neck. Coco recognized the craftsmanship of their village's witch doctor.

"When did you get that?" Coco asked.

"I found Aku-Aku in the fire, and he gave it to me. He showed me the path I must now take. The danger to this island because of Cortex's work with the Gems."

"Crash, you can't go alone, I'll help you. I kill Cortex if you're not up to it. I won't let him take you from me, too."

"Coco, you're needed here. Help you people, be with them when they need you most." The little boy whom Crash gave a wampa fruit to appeared beside Coco and smiled at Crash. Crash returned the smile with one of his own. The little kid waved goodbye to Crash, and he did the same.

"Crash..." coco said before he turned around. ˂Be careful, I... I love you.˃

˂Goodbye... Coco˃ crash said in his normal voice the best he could. Coco reminded Crash of Tawna, again.

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