Chapter 42: Spyro's Rage

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"Spyro's Rage" Commissioned by Tatujapa

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"Spyro's Rage" Commissioned by Tatujapa

MALEFOR stood a ways from the Sorceress, observing the orange creature she had restrained against a wall.

"Why are you here, Malefor? Your unexpected visits are starting to become annoying. Don't think you can earn any favor with me once I have all seven Power Gems."

"Oh please, like I need any mercy from you."

"Well what do you want? You're interrupting my interrogation."

"Spyro is coming, soon. The Bunny you allowed to escape made it back to Artisans with Sparx, and now he's coming back here to avenge the life of this creature. He's also brining the three Power Gems I let the resistance find."

The Sorceress turned to look at Malefor.

"I'm tired of you and your games, Malefor! I will kill Spyro no matter what you do to interfere. And then you're next, understood? Now get out of my castle, unless I need to force you out."

"That won't be necessary, Sorceress. You're fight is with my nephew, you'll need all your strength to defeat him."

"Oh I plan on it. Now get out."

Spyro flew through Midnight Mountains, making his way towards the Sorceress. The rest of the Avalar resistance had followed him to the Forgotten Realms, but Spyro wasn't waiting for them. He sought vengeance. Most of the Dragons who emerged from the portal were stunned with the familiarity of the place. They had once lived here a thousand years ago, and although none of them were alive during that time, the place still felt familiar.

Spyro landed in front of the castle, with Sparx behind him and Aku-Aku dangling on his neck. The Sorceress was waiting for him. Six years ago was the first time Spyro had ever seen her, and she looked exactly the same as she did all that time ago. They were both standing on a bridge, which hovered over hundreds of feet of nothing. Nothing was said for the first five seconds; instead they sized each other up. It was the Sorceress who spoke first.

"I've lived for a very long time, Spyro. I've killed tens of millions of creatures, conquered almost this entire planet, and in all my time I have never been told that a creature was destined to destroy me until ten years ago. Does the date ring a bell? I've seen how this battle will turn out before you were even born. I've been prepared for a thousand years to finally end the species that caused mine so much grief. You and your uncle are my final obstacles. You are the last pieces of the puzzle. Once I destroy both of you, there's no one left. So you can understand why this is your final hour. When you fall, so does everyone else."

"Sorceress, I don't give a damn about prophesies. The moments you killed my father and my best friends is when I was given the reason to take you down."

"Oh, you wouldn't happen to be talking about an orange... 'bandicoot' from the future, would you. So weird, how people's destinies work. Born... no 'created' a hundred thousand years in the future, and his fate crossed with yours and mine. My prophets warned me of how he would be partially responsible for my downfall. I guess I'm going to have to prove them wrong. Oh, and I see the rest of the resistance has found the courage to face me."

Spyro turned around to see that everyone in Artisans had followed him here. He couldn't keep them safe once this battle started, but he knew he couldn't convince them to turn back. He made out Cynder and Ember as well. Spyro couldn't let anything bad happen to either of them, or to anyone here. He had already failed too many. Spyro turned to face the Sorceress once she continued talking.

"Your friend, 'Crash,' stood up to me in a bid to save your Dragonfly from me. It was fairly brave of him; he showed more heart and courage than most of the sad faces in that crowd behind you. And he even stood his own for a while. It's rare I can command any creature, so I thought he deserved a proper ending for a proper warrior."

She lifted her scepter in her hand and traced an oval in the air, a rift opened parallel to the ground above her and Crash fell through the hole and collapsed onto the ground. After one glance at Crash, Spyro had to turn away. He was a mess and Spyro could tell he was in serious pain. Blood stained his entire left arm and shoulder. Several parts of his upper torso looked like they were burned as well. His jeans were covered in blood, and he couldn't get up from the ground and wasn't even trying to use his left arm. Crash looked at Spyro, saw what was draped around his neck and felt some relief. Spyro's time to avenge his people was near. Cynder and Ember looked away horrified after seeing at Crash.

"I have put this creature though some of my most intensive torture methods I could come up with. Some methods I used on your father, Spyro. But he refused to give me anything useful, although some of the information I was asking for I already knew. He has impressed me in more ways than one, and can understand why the Spirit of Order chose him as its representative in the future."

The Sorceress gripped her right hand tightly and began to raise it in the air. Crash slowly lifted in the air, and he put his right hand on his neck and dangled helplessly in the air. The Sorceress was strangling him. His legs dangled as they scrambled for ground, but soon went limp after he gave up. Crash maintained his gaze on Spyro.

"Sorceress, I swear to god... if you kill him..."

"You'll what? You planned on killing me today anyway? I never did have to opportunity to kill you father in front of you when you ran off six years ago in Avalar. And since this 'Crash' means so much to you, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to do this and see your reaction."

The end of the Sorceress' scepter pierced though Crash's back and appeared stained red protruding from Crash's stomach, as well as a spray of blood squirting forward. Crash's, still hovering in the air, arced back at the sudden pain, but he had no energy to scream or flinch.

"Noooooooo!" Spyro screamed.

Crash dropped to the ground after the Sorceress ceased suspending him. Crash, struggling, managed to get to his feet. As Spyro watched in horror, Crash had his right hand pressed against the hole in his chest, but the blood just kept on gushing to the floor. He dropped to his knees, but then was lifted into the air by the Sorceress again and flung forward, tumbling in the air before crashing onto the bridge, face down.

Spyro ran forward to help his friend; he turned Crash onto his back. He was smiling softly, thought tears were streaming out of his eyes. He was dying. Sparx landed on his chest, and started to heal him.

"Thank you Spyro, for letting me into your family. For showing me happiness, again." Crash uttered with his SAD. Sparx began to glow as he attempted to save Crash's life. "I... l-ov-e you." He spoke almost silently without his SAD. He could breathe anymore, but had managed to get the words out of his mouth. Crash lifted his right arm, slowly, and placed in on Spyro's shoulder, and smiled. His eyes closed and Crash went limp, his right arm dropping to the ground. Sparx continued his effort to resuscitate him, but he had died before he had a chance to sacrifice his life energy. All of the Resistance, the Dragons, and the Sorceress were around, but for Spyro, he could only think about his best friend, who lay dead in front of him. Spyro placed his right arm under Crash's head, lifted his upper torso, and hugged him. His tears dropped onto Crash's shoulder, as Crash's blood covered Spyro's underbelly.

"You failed, Spyro. Everyone behind you will die the same way this Crash did. And I'm going to make you watch. I'm going to make you feel the depth of your failure. I am the Sorceress, commander of the seven Power Gems. You never stood a chance against me."

Spyro hugged Crash for ten seconds, and then gently rested his head against the cobblestone. Spyro's eyes were sealed shut, with tears falling from the brim between his eyelids. He stood up, with an overwhelming feeling of sadness and... fear. And it angered him. Spyro reached inside for the anger, for the regret, for the sadness, for the pain that would give him the strength he needed to avenge his best friend. The result was a flood from the outside. He yelled out in rage, and a torrent of flames erupted from his mouth. The plume tore through the air and claimed high and wide. He then looked at the Sorceress and opened his eyes, still crying.

"No, it's not possible." The Sorceress though, those eyes, those red eyes.

Malefor, from a distance, looked upon the sight and was enraged and fearful. The Sorceress was warned by her profits and by him that this could happen. That she would allow Spyro to tap into the cosmic force of legend, energy that she couldn't access herself. But Spyro didn't reach for the power, it came to him. It was given to him, like when he attacked the Sorceress six years ago. That was the secret. It was what both the Sorceress and Malefor never realized. The convexity wasn't taken, it was earned. And not by the wicked or the righteous of heart, but by those that could control this Chaos Force and wield it like a sword. A champion of Order and Chaos. And with Spyro tapping into the convexity, Malefor couldn't defeat him.

Spyro couldn't contain his rage. He stared at the Sorceress, not realizing what was happening to him, that the seven Power Gems were glowing, or the terror that the Sorceress was looking at. He didn't care. The Sorceress retreated slowly. "The glow..." she thought. It was causing her to back up in fear. The wind whipped furiously around Spyro as his entire body began to emanate a furious golden yellow aura; he stared at his adversary with red, piercing eyes and a golden fire emanating from his body. Aku-Aku had also changed, once again channeling the full power of the seven Power Gems, as he once did in the future, and Sparx also glowed brightly as he accompanied his friend. All three demanded justice.

It was this demand for Crash's sacrifice, that they... that Spyro would defeat the Sorceress.

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