
39 1 11

Oh my god CALLUUUMMMMM I'm crying

"Stand up and tell us something about yourself!" My over enthusiastic history teacher said.

I sighed quietly. It was my first day of school, and so far all of my teachers had either made me stand up at my desk and ridicule myself in front of the entire class, or stand at the front of the classroom and ridicule myself in front of the entire class.

I pushed my chair back and stood up awkwardly.

"My name is Nina." I said blankly.

I could feel my face heating up as the entire class fixed their gaze on me.

Instead of looking at them, I looked directly at the teacher.

She looked back at me expectantly as if expecting me to say something else, but instead I just sat down again.

I was sat at a desk with a red haired girl with lots of freckles.

I looked back at her when I caught her looking at me, but she just turned her face away, frowning.

"Hi." I said, catching her attention.

"Hey." She forced a smile.

"Turn to page thirty four please! Read the letter and then discuss it with your partner!" Ms. Nesbitt said perkily, interrupting us.

The red head beside me elbowed me as she turned her page. I glanced at her, but she said nothing.

"What's your name?" I asked when I finished reading the page.

"Alva. What's yours?" She asked reluctantly, chewing gum as she spoke.

"Nina." I nodded my head rhythmically as I tapped the table with my pencil.

"Cool." She said, more or less ending our conversation.

"Alva get rid of that gum." Ms Nesbitt said disapprovingly, clucking her tongue. Alva stood up and walked over to the bin.

While Ms Nesbitt lectured her about chewing gum, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw a smiley blonde boy looking at me.

"Hi Nina, I'm Ashton." He held his hand out to me and grinned cheesily.

"Hi Ashton." I waved my hand.

"Don't mind Alva, she's a bitch." The boy sitting beside Ashton said.

I let out a laugh.

"Okay." I nodded at him.

"I'm Michael!" He said, and he smiled at me.

"Hey." I said, and turned back around.

Alva came back and sat down. She ignored me for the rest of the class so I just drew on the back of my history copy.

"Nina." I heard a whisper.

"Hold out your hand." Another whisper.

I cautiously put my hand out behind me. He slipped a piece of crumpled up paper into my hand. I opened it up.

Hi Nina :p

I wrote hi back and passed the note back quickly. I passed notes with Ashton and Michael for the rest of the class. They were okay. They were kind of funny, but they were so immature and Ashton was just too nice.

At the end of class, Ashton and Michael both came up behind me.

"Boo!" Michael yelled, giggling like a little girl.

"You didn't scare me." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Stop screaming Michael!" Ms Nesbitt said as we left the classroom.

"She is so fit." Michael grinned.

"Ew Michael." Ashton made a face.

Michael shrugged, slinging an arm across my shoulders. I gave him a funny look and shrugged him off.

"Are you going home?" Ashton asked curiously as I opened my locker.

"Yeah." I said.

"You don't talk very much." Michael observed.

"Yes I do." I retaliated.

"You don't really." Ashton laughed. "It's not a bad thing."

"I do talk." I said, annoyed.

"Aww, did we upset you?" Michael cooed, poking my cheek.

I glared at him.

"Smile Nina!" Ashton said jokingly.

"Actually, you don't smile very much either." Ashton said thoughtfully.

"I haven't known you for more than a day, I could just be having a bad day." I shot back.

"Are you having a bad day?" Michael asked me.

"Maybe." I said, but I knew it wasn't true because ever since they had started talking to me, my day had gotten a bit better. I'd rather talk to them than Alva anyway.

Michael tried to stretch my face into a smile, but when I stuck my tongue out he pulled back his hands.

"Leave me alone." I looked at him coldly.

Ashton and Michael started bickering, and I decided that I should probably leave.

"I have to go now." I walked past them.

"See you tomorrow Nina!" They called from behind me.

I sang along to the radio as I chopped up some fruit for my smoothie. The music was turned up loud, but my Mum wasn't going to be home for another few hours because she was at work. My mum was a lawyer.

I sang along when One Directions 'No Control' came onto the radio. I turned the music up a little bit louder.

I put the fruit into the blender, and a few ice cubes. Just as I was about to turn the switch on, there was a knock on the apartment door.

I turned the music down and opened the door to reveal Ashton.

"Hey, - Nina?"

"Hey Ashton." I looked at him funnily. "Did you follow me home?"

"No! I live upstairs, I'm in the apartment above you." He smiled.

"So, why did you come down?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, uh, I was going to ask you to turn your music down." He laughed.

"Oh. Ok. I'll do that." I nodded my head.

"Cool! Well, I'll see you at school. Hey, we can walk in together!" He said excitedly.

"No, it's okay, you don't have to do that." I said quickly. Honestly, I liked walking in on my own. It was relaxing.

"But I want to. I'll knock on your door at eight." He smiled.

"That's so early. Why do we have to be in that early?" I whined. It took ten minutes to walk to school, and registration was at nine.

"I want to introduce you to my friends!" He grinned lopsidedly.

"Okay." I sighed.

"See you!" He waved.

"See you." I repeated him, closing the door quietly.

I turned my music back up, but not as loud as before.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to be friends with Ashton or not.

He seemed nice, but I felt like if I spent too much time with him he could get annoying. Still, I didn't have any friends, so I decided to just go with it and see what happened. I was secretly kind of happy that he seemed so adamant to be friends with me.

But I was never going to tell him that.

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