Part 1~ Rakuzan High

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Desclaimer- i do not own knb. all rights to the mangaka.
This is akakuro fanfic and an AU. The cover photo is not mine I found it in google . Hope you guys like it.

"beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep........-click!!"

The man extended his arm reaching the alarm clock turning it off. He slightly opened his eyes.


He then make a small mutter. He stretches his arms and legs then got up.He then grab some change of clothes and went to the bathroom to take shower.

He turn the shower on. The water fall into his teal coloured hair then to his body. He then shampoo his hair then wash his body. then he rinse off. He grab the towel to dry his body. He then put the around his waist.

He grab his toothbrush and the toothpaste then brush his teeth then rinse his mouth.

He then put on his uniform. First he put on his grey slacks then put his black long sleeve shirt, the black neck tie and his grey blazer.

He grab his bag and went to school.

To go to Rakuzan high he has to take a train since Rakuzan high is in Kyoto and he lives in Tokyo.

The trips take 2 hours.
Usually he spent those 2 hours sleeping or reading books.

{2 hours later he arrived at the school.}

He is now standing at the front of the school. He is so amazed by the scene of the school. It's very enormous and the sight of the Sakura trees blooming took his breath away.
He then went to the gymnasium for the entrance ceremony.


Akashi Seijuurou was riding his limo to Rakuzan high. He is staring at the window thinking, anticipating that maybe this year, something interesting will happen.


{Rakuzan gymnasium }

[Kuroko's POV]

'At the moment the principal is giving his opening speech. Looking at my surroundings , I can see that this is a prestigious school. All student here seems to be from wealthy families except for me. I only have gotten into this school because of  an scholarship.'

'Last summer my grandma past away. Ever since the beginning , it's just been the two of us. Now that my grandma is gone I'm all alone.  The only thing she left me is the house and some money. '

(End of POV)

"-And now, may I call the representative of the new first years Akashi Seijuurou."

"Ahh~ it's Akashi-sama."the girls screams.

"So cool."

"As expected, it's Akashi . I heard he scored the top at the entrance exams."

"Ahh~ he really is the best student of this school. I heard his grand father is the director of the academy".

[Kuroko's POV]

' the person who got the top?
*sigh* can't clearly see him. Oh well it doesn't really matter. Such person will never interact with me.'

(kuroko is seated at the last row so he can't see Akashi clearly .)

[End of POV]

The opening ceremony ended. Kuroko went to the school's office to talk to his home room teacher.

"So you want to do some part time job?" Asked his Sensei.



"well, the truth is last summer my grandmother , my only family, had died. Since then I have been living by myself. Even though my grandma did leave me some money it is still wasn't enough to cover my living expenses."answered kuroko with blank face.

The teacher was saddened and tear a little bit because of what his student told him.

"Having part time job is prohibited in this school. I don't know if they'll allow this but.. Don't worry I'll try my best to persuade the principal to approve you to have a part time job. "

"Thank you sensei."

Kuroko is now walking at the courtyard, memorizing the structure  of the school.

At the school's courtyard there are booths of the school clubs. They are recruiting new members for their club.  The sempai's approaches every student they can recruit.

Kuroko just went through the crowd. No one bother to approach him because of his low presence. Well, he really doesn't want to join a club because he plans on working , so not being approach by any one really not bother him.

Suddenly, it started to rain. Kuroko went inside the building taking shelter from the rain.

Kuroko is walking at the hallway. It seems that there is no people at this building. He continued on walking the suddenly stop. He saw a room with a piano in it. He went in.

[Akashi's case]

After the opening ceremony, Akashi went to see the school structure. While walking through the courtyard, students clock at him . Inviting him to join their club. Suddenly it started to rain. He quickly find a place to take shelter. He went into the building .

Seems like no ones around. He hated crowds. He was annoyed about what happened earlier when the students approached him. Then suddenly it rained. Can this day get even worse.

He continued walking, looking the structure of the building.

Suddenly he heard someone playing piano. He chuckled a little bit when he heard the piece that was playing. It was Rain rain go away.

He continue to walk. The sound of the piano gets louder and louder.

When he reached the room where the sounds are coming from he reached the door to see who is playing then he suddenly stop.

The song changed into a sad song. Akashi felt the sadness of the song.
He went to the next room. He sat at the corner of the room. Leaning his back into the walls. Closing his eyes. Listening to the sad melody.

Akashi's eyes suddenly felt heavy. Sight sight is getting blurry. He felt relaxed while listening to the piano. Then he fell asleep.

The rain stop and Kuroko stopped playing the piano. He got up from the sit at grab his bag and went home.
When Akashi woke up, the rain stopped already. He was in daze thinking it's been a long time that he felt ease. He then realize that the piano stop playing. He quickly got up and went to the next room.
He opened the door but no ones there. He felt disappointed and at the same time happy determine. He thought that this might be interesting. He's gonna find the mystery person that was playing the piano.

Hope you guys like the first part. I apologize for those people that doesn't like piano song I chose. It is really hard to find a song that is sad and at the same time relaxing. I want to ask if you guys want if you want to read some lemon scene or not. Oh well please leave some comment I want to here your opinion or any suggestion. Thanks.

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