Part 6~ The Piano(2)

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Please watch the video later. Its going to be a scene in this chapter. You'll watch it when I give you the signal.



Kuroko feel off on the staircase crashing with a student.

Kuroko is sitting on Midorima's lap.

The two stares at eachother.




After remembering the past Kuroko broke the awkwardness bettween them.

"How are you doing Midorima-kun?" asks Kuroko.

"Ahh!" Midorima was startled. Seems like he came back from a trance.

"I'm ok. But first get off of me." says Midorima as he get's up.

Kuroko got up and helped Midorima to stand.

"What the hell were you doing?"asks Midorima.

"The teacher told me to bring these book to the material room. Then while i was going down the stairs i fell. " says Kuroko as he picks up the book.

"Geez. Of course you'd fall. Carrying this so much book."Says Midorima as he helps Kuroko picking up the books.

"So were are you taking them?"asks Midorima as he finishes picking up all the book.

"Eh?" aks Kuroko with confused look.

"I'm asking you were are we going to put this." says Midorima pointing to the books he was carrying.

"No Midorima-kun. I'll carry them." taking the books from Midorima.

"What are you talking about. I said I'll help you.So tell me where are going to put this"

"There's no need i can carry them."

"I said I'll help you . It's impossible for you to carry all this book without tripping again."

"Thank you Midorima-kun. Where going to put it in the material room." thanked Kuroko.


The two walk together towards the Material room.

"So Kuroko, How's grandma doing?" Midorima asks.

Kuroko stops.

"Grandma past away."

Midorima stop walking.

"....... when?"

"Last summer."

"I'm sorry." apologized Midorima.

"It's okay." says kuroko as he started walking again.

They continued walking to the material room.


After putting the books away Kuroko thanks Midorima.

"thank you Midorima-kun."

"It's nothing". answers Midorima.

"We'll then I'm gonna excuse myself-"

"Kuroko Do you still remember our promise?"cutted Midorima.

" Of course Midorima-kun. I remember. I have never forgotten about it." says Kuroko with a smiling face.

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