Part 2~ First day of school

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First day of school.
Kuroko went to his corresponding class. His in class 1-B. He sat at the back corner of the class. He got a window sit.

Kuroko is in daze, then suddenly someone approach him.

"Yo." said the man


"My name is Shigehiro Ogiwara. What's your name?"

"Nice to meet you Ogiwara-kun. My name is Kuroko Tetsuya."

"Yoroshiku Kuroko."

"Yoroshiku onegaishimasu."answered kuroko.

Suddenly the teacher enters the classroom.

Ogiwara kun seats in front of Kuroko.

Then the teacher took his students attendance.

Akashi entered his class (1-A). There he saw his friends.

Midorima Shintaro. Has short, dark green hair.He is quite big and tall. He has light green eyes and he wears black-framed glasses. His family owns hospitals.

Murasakibara  Atsushi. He.He lavender hair that touches his back and violet eyes. His family owns Shopping malls, Restaurants and Hotels.

Aomine Daiki. He has dark skin and short navy blue hair. His father is the Defence Minister.

Kise Ryouta. He has yellow/blond, medium long hair and golden eyes. His parents work as International models/actors and his mother is also a world known fashion designer.And his family owns an Airline.

"Whoah!!! Akashi-cchi were on the same class again!"exclaimed the blonde.

"Shut up Kise. Why do I have to be in the same class as you again. So annoying . We've been in the same class for 3 years it's so creepy . Transfer out." Complained the blue head.

"That cruel Aomine-cchi. I am too. I am creep out, being in the same class again. Why am I the who has to transfer?"

"You guys are to loud! Would you guys be quiet!" said Midorima.

"Want some snacks Akachin?"ask Murasakibara.

"No thank you."replied Akashi.

The teacher entered the class and all students sat down.

[Lunch break]

"Ahhh~ at last, it's lunch. I'm so hungry. Kuroko lets get lunch." requested Ogiwara.

Kuroko nodded and the two of them walk to the cafeteria.

Kuroko stared at the menu. He can't believe that the food here are so expensive. So he ends up buying only water.

"Kuroko? Not going to eat anything? " asked Ogiwara.

"No." Answered kuroko.

"Why? Are you in a diet or something? Your so skinny already."

"That's not it Ogiwara-kun. And I'm not a girl to go on a diet."

"Then why is it that you are not eating?" Ogiwara asked again.

"It's because I'm saving money."

"Saving money?"

"Yes." Answered Kuroko.

"I don't get it. Why?" Said the confused Ogiwara.

Kuroko explains his circumstances to Ogiwara. He told him that he doesn't have any family and has to support his self. He also told him that he attends this school because of the scholarship.

Ogiwara was shocked by the story that he told him.

"Gomen (sorry). I didn't know." Apologized Ogiwara.

"It's okay."

"Here take this." Ogiwara gives Kuroko his lunch.

"I can't take it Ogiwara-kun. It's your lunch. I won't take it just because of your pity." Declined Kuroko.

"Come on. Don't say that. Take this then." Offering Ogiwara's bread.

"I can not accept it." Refusing the offer. Then suddenly Kuroko's stomach started growling. He didn't had breakfast this morning so he's hungry.

"See! Just accept it already. We still have classes later. You don't want to embarrass yourself with your growling stomach."argued Ogiwara.

"I understood. I'll accept it. Arigato Ogiwara-kun. I'll pay you next time." Thanked Kuroko while smiling.

Ogiwara-kun blushed when he saw Kuroko's smile. The cafeteria became noisy as the a group of people arrived.

"Ah! Look it's them."

"Ah their so cool. I wish I could go out with one of them."

"What?Just one of them? I wish to go out all of them."

"Who are they?" Asked Kuroko .

"Hmm? Ah! That's right you don't know them since your new here. They're in the same grade as us. Although in diferent section. They've been friends since middle school. They're the son's of big shot people. Guess birds of the same feather flocks together."

"Hmm~. " mumbled Kuroko as he stared at them.

Kuroko has a habit on observing people.

"Kuroko, Let's get back to the class."said Ogiwara.

"Yes let's go Ogiwara-kun".

Classes ended and Kuroko went home.

(Kuroko and Akashi aren't in the same classroom because students in class 1-A are those for very rich/ elite students , something like that. Kuroko is a scholar so he can't be in the same class).  Please leave some comment.

Hope you guys like it(^ν^)!!

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