Part 4~ Band aid

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This chapter is about Kuroko and Aomine.

Kuroko got home. He immidiately prepared his dinner then does his homework.

After finishing his homework he ate his dinner.

While eating, he remembered what happened earlier at the school. He was shocked. He never experienced something like that before.

He remembers the feeling of the man tongue touching his skin. The slight roughness of the mans tounge that traced his arm. He shivers as he recalls what had happen then shook his head to shake off those memories.

After dinner, he washed the dishes.

"Ring ring ring"the phone rang

Kuroko- "Moshi-Moshi (Hello)?"

Chiharu- "Ahh! Kuroko, it's me Chiharu. Its been a long time. How are you doing?"

Kuroko- "Im fine Chiharu-san. And you?"

Chiharu- "Oh I'm fine.  Actually I called because I need some help right now. I'm looking for someone to work at the day care. An employee quit because she's going to have a baby.I was thinking if you could?"

Kuroko- "It's fine Chiharu-san. Actually, I'm looking for a job right now."

Chiharu- "Oh you save me. But wait, doesn't your school prohibits working students?"

Kuroko- "Yes, but I've got a permision."

Chiharu- "Oh is that so. That's good then."

Kuroko- "yes."

Chiharu- "About that work in the day-care, if you can come tommorow it would be great."

Kuroko- "I' ll be there tommorow then. Thank you Chiharu-san.

Chiharu- "It's nothing. Then see you tommorow .

End of the phone call.
After the phone call, kuroko went to take a bath then went to sleep.

Next day Kuroko went to school. At lunch he went to find another place to eat his bento. He wanted to avoid the man yesterday. He went to the roof top of the school. When he got into the roof there is no one there. It's perfect. Kuroko likes to be alone. It suits him perfectly.

Kuroko sat down at the floor and started eating his lunch.
Murasakibara went to the garden again to meet the man he was with yesterday.
It seems like his not there. After finding out that he's not there, he went to the cafeteria.


After eating, Kuroko put away his bento and then he stared the blue sky. Suddenly he was startled by the loud sound of the door opening.


At the door he saw an injured man. He's tall and has blue hair. His forehead is bleeding and so his fist.

The man walk past through kuroko then laid down and went to take a nap.

Seems like this man didnt notice Kuroko.

Kuroko stared at the man as he sleeps.
The teal head move closer to the blue head.

Kuroko takes out his handkerchief and wet it with the remaining water he has in his bottle.

He damp the wet handkerchief into the man's wounded forehead.
The man flinch a little bit but didn't opened his eyes.

No reaction.

Kuroko continues to wipe the wounds of this man.

Kuroko reach his pocket for his wallet.
He takes the band aid of his wallet. Kuroko keeps band aid because he tends to trip a lot.

Kuroko puts the band aid on the mans forehead and wrap the man's knuckles with his handkerchief.

After treating the man's wounds he got up and went to his classroom.

'Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! The bell rang.

Aomine wakes up. He opened his mouth and made a yawn. He then saw his hand is wrap with a handkerchief.

Aomine tried to guess who treated his wounds. He remembers that he saw a man with a teal hair wiping his forehead. Though he can't remember it's face.

Aomine look at the handkerchief and saw letters.


It's the man's initials.

"K.T. Huh." Mumbles Aomine with a smirk face.

Aomine gets up and went to his class.


Aomine enters the classroom.

"Aomine-cchi! Where have you been? I've been looking for..... Ha ha ha ha" Kise burst out laughing.

The class let out small chuckles.

Aomine look at Kise and his classmates.

"Why? What's wrong?" Asks Aomine as he turns his head to Akashi.

"You should look at yourself at the mirror." Answers Akashi.

Aomine grabs a mirror from a girl classmate and look at his face.

He saw a baby blue band aid with a heart design at the middle on his forehead.

Aomine removes the band aid and put it in his pocket then he turn his head to Kise that still laughing.

"Kise you gonna regret this!" Shouts Aomine as he attacks Kise.


The classes ended. Akashi approaches Midorima to ask him if he can take him to the music club. Midorima agrees and both of them went to the music club.

Akashi asked Midorima because he is a member of the music club. He plays the piano.

A lot of noise is coming from the music room.The two went inside the room the all the noises stopped. The members were shock as they see Red head enters.

Akashi approaches the club president to ask its permission to watch them. The president agrees and let Akashi observe.

As the members play their instruments,  Akashi try to look for the person who he heard play the piano last time.

When the club ended he asked Midorima if all the members was there.
Midorima answers him that there are other members that are absent.

"Is that so. Then I'll come by again." Says Akashi as he walk out at the door.


After the classes Kuroko went to the Day care.

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