Part 7~ Love at First sight (1)

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Another day at the school

3rd Period

Kuroko's class is having Home Economics at the Home Economics Room.

They're doing Self study today because their teacher called in sick. Kuroko's reading a book while his classmates talk to each other or play.


While Kuroko is reading, his friend Ogiwara aproached him.

"Kuroko. Will you by partner?" asked Ogiwara.


"Will you be my partner in the game?" repeated Ogiwara.

"Oh okay sure I guess?." Answered Kuroko.

"Yessssss!" shouts Ogiwara.

The two walk to their class mates table.

"So Ogiwara-kun what are we going to play? asked Kuruko.

"It's chess" said Ogiwara.

"Hmm." hummed Kuroko.

"Here Here. Sit here." says Ogiwara pointing to the chair.

Kuroko sat down on the chair. In front of him is a chess board.

"Now Kuroko beat them." Says Ogiwara pointing to their classmates, Koichi (Kawahara) and Hiroshi (Fukuda).


At the moment Kuroko playing chess against Hiroshi. The two are really concentrating on the game. Their eyes are focused on the board. Observing their pieces. Anticipating their oponents next move.

"Checkmate. You lose."

"Arghhhhhhhh!". shouts Ogiwara."I thought you're good at this Kuroko?" Asked Ogiwara.

"I said I was good at shogi not chess Ogiwara-kun." answers Kuroko.

"Chess and shogi are the same." says Ogiwara-kun.

"Their not the same Ogiwara-kun." says Kuroko.

"Argggggggh what should I do?" says Ogiwara as he scratch his head.

Koichi and Hiroshi just laugh at Ogiwara.

"What now Ogiwara? You lost the bet. It's time for punishment." says Koichi as he laugh. An evil laugh.

"Now come. Both of you." says Hiroshi.

"Eh? Me too?" asks Kuroko.

"Of course you too." says koichi.

"Ogiwara-kun. Care to explain what did you get myself into?". asks Kuroko with an annoyed tone as they follow Koichi.


"What?!" Shouts Kuroko.

"I said we made a bet to see who's the best player and the loser will have to wear those through lunch break as a punishment." explains Ogiwara Pointing to the dress and the suit that is displayed at the back of the class room.

"Why didn't you told me earlier?! And those clothes, Doesn't they belong to the drama club? Aren't they gonna get mad if you take them? " asks Kuroko.

"Don't worry. It's okay. We'll just have to return it after lunch break." says Hiroshi.


The bell rang and the two changes.

"Umm, Can I ask something? Why do I have to wear the dress and he has to wear the suit?" asks Kuroko as he points to Ogiwara.

"Hmm? Why? you ask." says Hiroshi as he looks to Koichi.

"That's because we think It'll look more cute on you." Answers Koichi and Hiroshi at the same time.

"Wha- Cute?! I'm not a girl!" Flapped Kuroko with a blush on his face.

"Dont be angry Kuroko. It looks good on you. So cute." says Ogiwara-kun with a grin on his face.

"Don't say that. I'm not a girl! What if someone sees me? They'll gonna think I'm a pervert!" argues Kuroko.

"No ones gonna think that. You really look like a girl in that dress."says Ogiwara

"Wha- Stop saying that!" Shouts Kuroko at Ogiwara.

"Now now, let's hurry up or else there wont be enough time to eat lunch." says Koichi as he puts the wig on Kuroko's head.

"Okay. Let's meet here again after lunch, then we'll return your uniforms. You understand?" Says Hiroshi.

"Don't be late or else you're gonna wear that till afternoon classes ends." says Koichi then walked away.

"Let's get going too Kuroko." says Ogiwara as he grabs Kuroko's hand and drag him to the Cafeteria.

While walking to the cafeteria Kuroko asked Ogiwara "Ogiwara-kun please release my hands."

"Oh okay." says Ogiwara as he release Kuroko's hands.

As Ogiwara releases Kuroko's hand . Kuroko suddenly ran away.

"Wait Kuroko. Aren't you going to eat lunch?" asks Ogiwara.

"As if I can eat there while dressed like this" answered Kuroko As he run.


Kuroko stopped running and then started walking.

[Kuroko's POV]

How can I concentrate eating there. People will just stare at me. Stupid Ogiwara-kun. Involving in this bet. Arghh i just find somewhere to hide.

[End of POV]

While walking Kuroko heard voices. It's a woman and a man's voice.Its seems like they're arguing.He hides himself in a bush and listened to the argument.

"How could you do this Kise-Kun?! I thought were dating? How could you go out with some other girl when you're with me.!"

"Ano. Who are you again?"

'Isn't she your girlfriend' thought Kuroko.

"Wha- How could you. "

"I'm sorry miss but I don't know you."

"What are you talking about. We've been going out for Months. "

'what?! they've been going for a month and still doesn't know her name.!' thought Kuroko.

"I'm sorry miss but I think you're mistaken. I don't remember going out with you-"


"You jerk!"

The woman walks away after slapping the man's face.


"Ahh It hurts." says the blonde as he touches his cheeks."Hey! you can come out now"

'Wha- how does he know? arghh I'm screwed. I should've just walked away instead of listening. So stupid.' thought Kuroko.

The blonde walked towards the bush.

'I'm doomed. I'm goig to get hit'. thought Kuroko as he hears the man getting closer.

Kise separates the bush.

His eyes widened as he saw a girl seated on the ground. She has a blue dress that matches her big round eyes and long teal coloured hair. She has pale skin making her red cheeks be more noticeable.

The wind blows as her hair flows making him see the girls face clearly. Her eyes sparkles as tears began to fall down. Kise was astound to the beauty of this girl.

'My angel' thought Kise.

It seems like Kise fell in love at first sight.

To be continued..

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