14: Too Much Talking

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“Do you want to go somewhere?” Kale asked, shifting uncomfortably as he finally broke the silence between us.

I nodded only to change it quickly to a shake of the head. “No-“ I muttered, looking away from him to take in a breath. “No, they’re inside waiting for me.”

His uncomfortable gaze quickly turned sour. “Of course they are.”

“I was having Jared over,” I said slowly, turning to look over the front of the car at him. He comes here acting all high and mighty, ruining my day?


Sour changed to angry in the blink of an eye. “That guy again? I told you not to trust him-“

“Why, because you’ll threaten him to keep him away again?” I snapped. The shocked look on his face drew my words out. Maybe I could do this, if I was the one doing the talking. I couldn’t just have Kale waltz up here and bombard me. It wasn’t fair. He’d had time to prepare for ‘The Talk.’  I hadn’t. I’d been too busy feeling sorry for myself.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he responded cooly. His face had become cool and composed as he shifted to sit on the hood of his car.

My eyes scanned his relaxed pose as he shrugged his broad shoulders. He honestly had the audacity to lie to my face! “You threatened him with his job,” I said slowly, running my hand through my hair to keep myself from snapping. “You made him lie to me in order to keep him from giving me rides anymore.”

The truth of the words couldn’t be avoided as I stared him dead in the eye. I knew the truth and he knew there was no backing out of this accusation. It wasn’t a shot in the dark to make him confess. It was apparent I already knew the truth.

“You trusted someone who backed down so easily,” he responded after a moment. Once more he gave a nonchalant shrug before his eyes grew dark and accusing. “It’s not my fault he has no backbone.”

I sucked in an angered breath. “Unlike you he has to work for a living! His job means something to him.”

“You’re a hypocrite,” he shot back, taking up defense, “you don’t have a job either. Stop pointing fingers and look in a mirror for once Rein.”

Leave it to Kale to start a fight. He’d always been so great at it, what should stop him now? “I’m working on it,” I replied cooly. “Believe me, I am. The sooner I get a job the sooner I can cut all ties with you.”

He didn’t miss a beat. “Then get one and quick. I’m tired of my dad wasting his money on you.”

“Your dad hasn’t paid a cent for me since I started living with Jakeson,” I growled, stepping around the front of the car to face him.

“Oh even better, you’re taking advantage of one of my friends.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’ve never been a friend to Jakeson and you know it,” I shot at him.

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