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Sorry I haven't write in a long time I lost my password. Then I was super busy with school starting, but I'm back now.😊 onto the story.. P.s: Above is Meliah.
Meliah POV
   I woke up and saw Maria sleeping and saw Maria asleep. I smiled her mouth was open. I woke her up and we started to get ready. I wore jean shorts, white shirt without sleeves that says "Bo$$", white socks and all white vans.
Maria wore black shorts with a pink crop top and pink sandals. Maria is more girly than I am. I put my hair down the middle and curled it. I put my  ray-ban glasses on. Maria had her hair flowy. Together we walked to school.

We seen Shelby and I was ready for any shit she was gonna give me. She didn't even look at me. Wow.
My school day was pretty boring. Everyone kept asking about what happen an it got kind of annoying. After school I walked to my locker and grabbed my practice bag. I really wasn't all that in the mood to do anything. I was having one of those lazy days.😑 as I was walking to the track for soccer practice, someone bumped into me.
"Hey watch were the heck your going" I Said.
"Why don't you?" The person said laughing. I turned around and was face to face with Maria.😑😒
" really??" I said laughing.
"Yea I was going to look for you but gave up. Now here we are.😂"
I seen she had a bag of candy, chips, a soda, and more junk food.
"Where exactly did you look for me?" I said smirking.
"You see there is this really funny story" she chuckled nervously.
"Uh huh I'm listening"
" I thought I saw you go into the store so I followed you, turns out it wasn't you.😅"
"Yea sure."
"Wat ever. Don't you have practice?"
"Actually no." I said lookin down at my phone.
"Huh?" Se was just as confused as I was.
"My parents want us home now. They said it's important." We went home.
When I got there my parents were sitting in the kitchen. They had smiles in their faces. Me and Maria just looked at eachother. "Hey mom and dad" I said.
"Hey" thy said at the same time.
"What happen?" Maria asked curiously.
"Well we have some exciting news." My dad said.
"Ok so our job just opened a new company in Virginia" my mom gushed.
"And??" I asked.
"They want us to run it!" They said cheerfully.
"Awww were gonna miss you." Maria said. I swear this girl is so slow at times. My parents and me just looked at her.
"Wait we're all going?!" She yelled.
"Yea.. It's gonna suck." I said I walked up to my room. I have to start all over in meeting new people, new school, classes, what am I going to do?! I was feeling do overwhelmed. I started pacing back and forth.
"Hey don't worry I'm going to be with you every step. Your not the only one." Maria told me. I kept pacing.
"Calm down. It looks like your practically sprinting to each wall" she laughed. I stopped and just stared at her. "How are you so calm? We are moving from the place we grew up in, all our friends, our squadd that is our family, everything we know is California. And now we are moving across the country?!" I yelled.
"I've learned to be calm in the most difficult situations. I know this is going to be hard, but ou know what?? I am here and I'm not going anywhere. Sure all we know is California but now we have to try sumthing new. It's hard knowing you have no control over a situation. We just have to deal with it." I seen her cheeks. They were this bright rose pink. Her cheeks get that way when she is out of breath or holding back on something. My guess was both. I was going to ask but she looked deep in her thoughts I shudnt disturb.
Maria's P.O.V
I love Meliah to death. I don't want to leave her. She's moving is all I kept telling myself. My bestfriend.. No my sister is leaving me. I don't think I'm going to be able to get through it. How am I supposed to tell her that I have to leave for 3 months? I can't. I won't. I'm only going to be in Virginia with them for a week. Then I leave for my flight to L.A. To go and stay with my uncle for 8 months. My parents are forcing me and I have no choice. But after that I can stay with her. I just don't know how to tell her.
"Uhh Maria.?"  Meliah said snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Sorry." I laughed and looked in her eyes. They were grey she was nervous. Through her glasses they stood out with the sun shining on her smooth face. She has always been a tough girl. It takes a lot to see/ make her cry. She always been Lucky too, not even the sign of one pimple or blemish on her face. Her body was built to perfection. Her thighs were so muscular from running and wrestling, Her skin color was this nice tan, her legs weren't long but not short either, her dirty dark brown hair was always styled so nice, her calves were amazing from playing soccer, track, football and softball. She had a toned body and this bubble butt, her stomach had a couple of abs (4) her boobs weren't big because she's so athletic, but they were exactly right to fit her body. Her arms are just wonderful. Even when she isn't trying, you could see her muscles. She isn't that tall she keeps saying she's 5'5 but she's not. She's like 5'3 or 5'4. She actually is still going to get taller. Personally I think she is beautiful, but then again everyone has a different perspective. From what I think is perfect, someone may think is imperfect, that's just the way it goes. Guys check her out but aren't ballsy enough to talk to her. She is shy around people most of the time, but lately she has been more fierce. She's so wonderful anyone is lucky to have her. I'm one of the lucky ones, I am glad she's my bestfriend.
"Come on let's start packing I told her."
"Ok your lucky all your stuff is packed" she laughed.
"Yea." I chuckled.
I can believe that this is going to be the last week I have with my sister.😢
*********3 days passed*********
Meliah's P.O.V
This is it. The day that we move to Virgina. All I know about the town is that there is a highschool called bishop Irington or something like that, i was basically forced to move here, and that it's somewhere in Virginia (A/N I know what it's called I'm just doing that, and btw In this story Matt just turned 16 Shawn is 15 , Hayes is 15, cam is 17, Nash is 16, and anyone else is 16. Dylan is like 20 Just go with it) I hear they have a pretty good football team. I'm going to miss this place.
As we headed outside I seen Dylan. He looked at me and pressed his lips together to where it looked as if his mouth was sewn shut. I walked towards him and he met me halfway.
"You know I'm going to miss you" I told him.
"I know." He said quietly with small tears forming.
"Dylan don't."
"Don't what?"
"Don't let me leave here sad. Your the one I could go to when I needed to be cheered up." I said looking at him.
"Meliah" I haven't heard him call me that since I was like 5, it's always been Mel."You have to make me smile this time. You have to let me know your going to be ok. It's your turn."
"Dylan. I'll be fine." I said blinking away tears. I can't cry he's counting on me to stay strong.
He nodded, "I know you will" he said letting a year slip from his eyes. He pulled me into a hug. I was going to miss him soo much.! We hugged for like 2 minutes then my parents came and said their goodbyes. I got in the back seat with Maria. As I watched my parents hug him, they came into the car. They started the car. I looked out the back window and Dylan was waving goodbye. His index finger in his nose and stuck out his tongue. Tears were forming in my eyes ready to spill.
*****Flash Back*****
"Mam, I'm gon get my soccer ball. I left it in the front" I said in my wittle 5 yr. old voice.
" ok but be careful."
I walked out side and I was getting my ball. I seen it was out on the drive way. I went to get it and I seen 10 yr. old Dylan playing in his yard. I picked up the ball and tripped. I scrapped my knee pretty bad. The skin on my palms were coming off. And I remember panicking when I seen it starting to bleed. I say there laying in the position I had fell and cried. I was 5 so I was dramatic. I heard footsteps coming. I looked up and seen Dylan. He crouched down and put me in a siting position. He sat down criss cross across from me.
" why are you crying." He asked
I showed him my scrapes. "Oo did those hurt." I nodded.
"Look,pain is temporary never permanent and neither are your tears. They heal. All wounds do."
He said looking at me. I looked at him. I understood him.
" you don't understand." He chuckled.
" no I do" I said quickly.
"So you do speak." He laughed.
"Yea" I said shyly.
"I'm Dylan."
"I'm melwia"
I nodded. " nice name" he said.
" I'm going to call you Mel."
"Ok" I said picking up my ball and going towards my front door. I looked back at him and he put his finger in his nose and stuck out his tongue. I laughed and stuck my tongue out. And went inside.
That day he gave me a lesson on life. I still remember it everyday.
****** End of Flashback******
I slightly chuckled and small tears fell from my nose. I stuck my tongue out copying him. He smiled while pressing his lips together, he looked at the floor so I wouldn't see his tears. I watched him and the house I grew up in fade away, and get smaller and smaller. Until it was gone. I looked back one last time to make sure I wasn't imagining this. Nope. This was very much reality. I let the tears fall from my eyes. "Everything is going to be ok" I heard Maria tell me while embracing me into a hug and rubbing my back. It only took me like 2 minutes to stop crying after remembering what Dylan had told me that first day I had met him. Pain is temporary never permanent an neither are tears. I just sat there Nd stared blankly into space with my head on Maria's shoulder. I'm so glad she's going to stay with me I can't imagine what I would do with out her, if she left me I wouldn't have anyone. While thinking about that I fell asleep.

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