Chapter One: The Alleyway Meeting

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"You're in our house now. Welcome to the district, kitten. It's shady around here... evil warriors are lurking. We're in the darkest side of Frisco — where there be dragons."

Chapter One: The Alleyway Meeting

You sighed quietly as you pressed your head to the car's window. Countless telephone poles flew by your line of vision, as did the seemingly infinite rural road. The summer sun was shining and the sky was completely free of clouds. Undoubtedly, you were still far from the big city your family was locating to. "How much longer till we get there?" You asked your parents again.

"About... two and a half hours left," Your mother peered at you from the front seat and smiled, "Aren't you excited?"

You knew she was excited, as well as your father, so that was great. You were happy that they'd found a good job opportunity, especially after all those months of unemployment. However, you weren't too happy about moving.

Your destination was San Francisco, California.

Your new house would be located in Chinatown, to be exact. You weren't thrilled when you'd first heard this news, especially since you'd previously thought Chinatown to be nothing but a huge tourist trap. "We're sorry about having to take you away from your friends, _____. But this move will do great things for us." Your father had mentioned, to which your mother had added, "And our new jobs are right in that district. It'll be easiest to commute to work."

On the first day of summer vacation, you'd had to pack up your stuff and get ready to leave your old town behind.

"Oh, and didn't we tell you about that friend of mine?" Your father suddenly asked.

"No, you didn't."

"I was meaning to tell you about a friend who lives right next door to where we'll be living, and he has a son your age. So, you'll be neighbors with him and probably become friends, so when school starts, you'll already know someone. Isn't that better than starting a new high school all alone?"

You sank down into your seat, "I guess..." You weren't sure how to feel about this, or about where precisely you were moving to.

After a couple more hours, the drive was nearly over.

As the family car emerged from the well-known San Francisco Bridge, you couldn't help but admire the city's architecture.

"Hey look, that house looks like the one from Full House. Oh, and that one looks like the one in Big Hero 6!" You kept pointing out popular icons from the movie-famous city. "They really got the geography right in Inside Out. The roads definitely have hills like this."

Your elation subsided, however, once you saw Chinatown coming into view. "I really... can't believe... we're gonna live in a district so different to America..." You knew more than anything that it indeed felt like China here. How would it feel to truly reside in this place? You knew you were eventually going to miss your home country's modern look and culture.

"At least our apartment building is luxurious. Oh, but we'll be living in a condo."

"Right, so still a house rather than an apartment?"

"That's right. Hey... looks like we're here!" Your mother pointed to a tall red building that was clearly in a Chinese architectural style.

It looked like it had many levels, with each separated by dark red arcs that curved up—a definite sign of a Chinese building design. The outside was decorated with elaborate carvings and Chinese symbols. The roof was triangular and pointed, and there were ropes of red-and-gold lanterns hanging from a side of the building to another. In fact, most of the streets in this community were strewn with lanterns from roof to roof.

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