Chapter Nineteen: His Trust Remains

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"Tch, what an annoyance..." Kuro grumbled to himself as he stalked down the hall.

It'd been like watching one of Yonsu's shitty Korean dramas. Girl gets caught kissing another guy, the guy leaves, the girl goes after him but to no avail.

It literally made Kuro gag.

And after that, it made him roll his eyes and internally groan because what a fucking inconvenience.

"Just what the idiot needed," He griped to himself as he shoved his way through sweaty, dancing bodies.

Once he reached the door he was looking for, someone abruptly slid between him and the knob.

Kuro's fiery eyes met a taller, slender chest - dressed in a black shirt that read [censored] in small white print. His burning red irises travelled further up to meet a potentially good-looking face with Korean features, wavy black hair and narrowed olive-green eyes. "...Yonsu," He spat, "Get out of my way."

He shook his head, "No way, hyung. I saw the way _____ was looking all over for our big bro. Is he okay?"

Kuro's sharp teeth clenched, hard. "That's what I was trying to find out."

A few seconds later, Yonsu glanced at the door behind him. "Oh. He in here?"

To which the Japanese nodded stoically, "Move."

Yonsu obeyed his second-in-command mentor and stepped away. Finally, Kuro knocked on the wooden surface.

As expected, there was no answer.

He sighed before ordering, "Zao-kun, open the door."

Another silent moment passed.

"Zao-kun. Now." His voice hinted consequences.

He heard sounds of protest from behind the door. "Ughh... Kuro?"

The two raven-haired Asians peeked at each other before Kuro answered, "Who else?" He decided to hold off on telling him Yonsu was here as well.

After all, Zao and Kuro were closer than brothers. They'd known each other since early childhood; their bond was unbreakable. Zao and Yonsu however? It was still more like a teacher-student relationship rather than a mutual, extremely strong friendship and respect for each other. Kuro had seen Zao at his best, as well as at his rock-bottom worst.

The door slowly opened, but the room was close to pitch-black. Zao didn't seem to be nearby. He must have unlocked the door and then crept back into his little corner of despair.

"What are you sulking for?"


Kuro tactfully stepped into the room, and yet he noticed with a bitter sigh that Yonsu's shadow loomed over his. Neither of them were very tall, but Kuro was especially short. Now there was no way to hide Yonsu's presence.

At the moment, there was nothing he despised more than the fact that Yonsu was younger than him and yet still higher in height. "...May we enter? It's just us."

A pause. "Yonsu? That you too?"

The Korean grinned at his beloved brother's inquiry. "I'm here for you, hyung!"

Kuro allowed him inside and closed the door. He could perceive that it was a small room with hardly anything in it — a few boxes at most.

He quietly sat crisscross on the floor and remarked, "You said nothing's wrong; you and I both know that's not true."

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