Chapter Four: He's Not All Smiles

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Your summer days slowly began to pass. Your parents were finally done unpacking and the condo felt both stylish and comfortable, especially with the trendy new decorations your mother had picked up from Ikea. You even came to like this house better than your old one, but you missed your friends every day and wished they could meet Allen.

You weren't sure how, but you two had become the strangest of close friends. You'd talked to him nearly every day, which actually came to no surprise seeing as he was your next door neighbor. He seemed to be home most of the day—which was when you usually hung out with him—and often left during the evenings to go out with some people you didn't know. He'd asked if you wanted to tag along a few times, but you'd always declined.

Besides, you'd made him promise to introduce you to his friends in a more 'formal' way, such as at his house instead of some crazy place like the streets of Chinatown where there's constant chaos coming at you from all angles. He'd once told you "I'm not even sure if you could handle my friends." It made you curious to meet them, but you were honestly in no rush to do so.

Currently, you were lying on your back, staring up at a ceiling covered with rap and motorcycle posters. Bored, you glanced to the side—and something of interest caught your eye.

"Allen, oh my god," You chuckled. "You're a precious little vegan baby."

"Shuddup." Was his charming, grunted response.

You laughed at his clearly embarrassed answer as you stared at the bumper sticker on his bed's headboard that read, "Animal lovin' ain't shovin' 'em in the oven." It was pretty adorable to imagine him actually purchasing that and placing it on his own furniture.

You rolled over for a more comfortable position on his bed while he sat at his desk on his laptop. It wasn't unusual for you to spend your entire afternoon at his place, and he didn't mind; he didn't seem to do much. His parents were usually at work too so you both had time to kill.

"Ugh, I'm so bored these days. Aren't there things to do around here?"

He made a big, dramatic show of sighing, swiveling around in his chair to face you and rolling his eyes. "There's tons to do here; you just don't get out enough."

"I don't know anyone," You reminded him.

"Right. Well," He shrugged and turned back to his laptop. "You should come to a party with me and Zao sometime; I can introduce you to the crew." He chuckled at the last word, perhaps imagining his friends' reactions to meeting someone like you. From what Zao had described, they certainly weren't used to outsiders.

Knowing Allen, going to a party with him and Zao plus meeting their friends there would probably be insane. The people around Chinatown were shady and most either did drugs or were alcoholics—at least the ones who threw the parties that Allen and his friends went to, you knew that for sure. "I might pass on that one."

Allen leaned far back in his chair, his head upside down on the headrest as he stared at you and whined, "Oh come onnnnn. Don't be boring.~"

You tried to think of an excuse. Go to a party? After what Zao told me about them? Watch girls be all over him?! You squeezed your eyes shut in disgust. No thanks. "Um..." You decided to change the subject. "Hey, we should go see a movie later."

He cracked a smile, "Are you asking me on a date, dollface?"

You flinched and threw a pillow at him. "Pshhh, y-you know we're just hanging out!"

He laughed softly and clutched the pillow (unfortunately he'd caught it), "Yeah, I know..."

"Look for a movie for us to watch," You suggested as you rolled around on his bed some more. It had a nice scent to it; something like a mix of Allen and his cologne.

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