Chapter Ten: He's Got It Bad For You

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"If anyone asks what happened, just say 'parkour'." Allen advised Zao, chuckling as he drove.

Zao was riding shotgun; he was still bandaged up from his stay at the hospital. A thin Band-Aid was on his left cheekbone while another was on the right side of his jaw. A layer of gauze was taped to one of his forearms, while the other arm was dotted with masked-down cotton in the places nurses had drawn his blood.

Bruises and scrapes were still apparent on his body, but not as bad as the day he'd came in. The healing pink scars on his raw, tender skin only gave him a more roguish look. "...Sounds legit compared to 'Allen got distracted by a pair of tits and let me fall to the cement from a running ten-foot drop'."

Allen burst out laughing, lightly hitting the steering wheel of his black Jeep Commander. "...You ate shit!" He howled through breaths of laughter.

Sitting in the backseat between Oliver and Flavio, you sneaked looks at both of them. Flavio was busy watching a hair-highlighting tutorial on his phone's YouTube app, so you leaned towards Oliver. "Allen sounds like he lands his friends in the hospital at least three times a week," You whispered in a hushed tone. "Right?"

Oliver nodded. "That's just him.~ We understand he means no harm, poppet. You mustn't worry!"

The large hospital passed by the car's windows. You were glad to be leaving the place for good, at least for now. You, Flavio, and Oliver had tagged along with Allen to pick up Zao. As expected, he didn't hold any real grudge against him for getting him put in there.

"So, _____." Allen mused as he stopped at a red light. "What'd you and Zao do after we left the hospital that day, huh?" He raised an eyebrow at you from the rearview mirror. Obviously, he was insinuating it was something dirty. Cl-aaaaassic Allen.

He tipped his head to Zao. "You two hook up yet?" He casually asked.

You facepalmed. I wish he could have just let me answer instead of assuming...—

Zao cracked a smile. "Not yet," He then twisted halfway in his seat to face you. "Hey, _____. You must be tired after everything we did in my dream last night."

...Oh shit, you swore, recalling what you'd walked in on when you'd first gone to visit him. Why does this boy have literally no filter?!

"Wait, you what?" Flavio piped up, instantly locking his phone and putting it down. Oh, of course he'd stop watching a video for this.

"Hm? What kind of dream was it?" Oliver innocently chimed in.

"Nothing!" You hissed. "Um, change of subject please? Allen, uh..." You racked your brain for something to say. Oh... right. There was something you'd been meaning to ask him anyway. "Speaking of that day, why'd you and Flavio have to run off like that?"

Seeing as Allen was driving, Flavio spoke up. "My precious little brother was in peril..."

Allen made a snorting noise of disbelief and disapproval. "Sure he was." He completed the sarcastic remark with an eye-roll.

"Yo, what happened?" Zao had been unaware of the whole... 'we gotta run bye' fiasco.

"I am assuming some drama with Luci and his friends," Oliver answered in a distasteful voice. He shook his head a bit, "I dislike drama so much... it's such an inconvenience for everyone... it makes people sad..." His tone trailed off sympathetically.

"Okay, but what happened?" He sounded even more curious now.

Carelessly, Allen responded, "Why don't you ask him when we get to my house?"

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