Chapter Twelve: His Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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"I can't believe this is happening..." You mumbled aloud as you paced your bedroom.

You'd just gotten off the phone with one of your friends from your hometown. She'd informed you of all the new problems that had sprouted up since you moved away. According to her, a lot of drama was going on with the kids in your grade back home. Some of your friends weren't getting along, and some were picking sides.

They need to grow up, you reasoned. How are they still getting into fights?

All the bad news casted you nothing but stress. I've never seen things get this bad between them. I wish I could help.

...But there's nothing I can do besides call some of them.

And what's worse, you were alone in your house with no one to distract you from the tension. If either of your parents were here, you'd try to forget about everything by striking up a conversation with them. But both of them were working late. It was rare, but they said they could really use the extra money.

...I don't want to think about this anymore. Just as the thought crossed your mind, your phone rang again. Now, a different friend was calling, probably to contradict what the other one had said.

You ignored the call and threw your phone onto the bed.

I don't think my new friends are like this, you realized. Your new friends here in San Francisco seemed to get along even when they acted like they hated each other. However... they were all boys, but perhaps that was why they didn't have nearly as many issues.

You considered going across the hall to Allen's house, maybe see if he could hang out for a while, but you didn't want to bother him with your problems. You knew that if you went over to his house, you'd probably end up ranting about what was going on with all these people he didn't know anyway. So that idea's out.

Still, you felt isolated in here. Ever since you moved to Chinatown, you'd become more social and hung out with someone – anyone – almost every day. Be it either Allen, Flavio, Oliver, Zao, hell, sometimes even Luciano. So, being with no one was starting to feel lonely and strange.

As you were thinking about your old friends again, your phone vibrated with a new text. It's probably from one of them about what's going on over there... I miss them, but I don't miss the arguments. Sighing, you picked up your phone.

Zao: sHut up man i dontt even talk to her Anymre nd u should know bettre then to text me whne im high fuck yyou

You chuckled a bit. Wrong contact, Zao.

You read it one more time and sighed. "He's so high it's not even funny..." You whispered aloud.

And the ironic thing is that it is pretty funny, especially with all those typos, but you'd never actually spoken to him while he was high before.

You couldn't help that you were a bit curious, even though this wasn't necessarily a good thing. But I wonder who he's talking about and who he meant to send this to.

An idea crept into your mind.

No, maybe I shouldn't...

Your thumb hovered over the 'call' button on his contact.

You snickered at the possibilities. You'd never heard his phone-voice before, and it probably sounded hilarious while all drugged up. Besides, he might say some bat-shit things that you could totally use for future blackmail. It would serve him right for keeping that video of us that Flavio took after I told them a million times to delete it...!

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