The Unexpected Call From and Unexpected Guy to an Unexpecting Family

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Peter's P.O.V

Peter glanced at his watch. Four-o clock. He had just enough time to get his photos turned in to Mr. Jameson (his boss) and get home to Y/N and the kids. April and Logan were about three now and were as wild as ever. April was far advanced in reading and writing and Logan was getting great control of his powers. Peter had built him his very own web shooter to help better control the sticky web. Unfortunately, it didn't prevent him from sticking it all over the walls. Recently he had been learning to swing from the top of the stairs to the bottom floor often causing Y/N a lot of distress. Honestly, Peter thought it was hilarious when Y/N got flustered.

Peter walked into the Daily Bugle and headed to Jameson's office. Peter adjusted his camera and photos as he walked down the hall dodging reporters, editors, and the occasional delivery boy. Peter squeezed his way through a mob of workers and emerged in front of his boss's door. Peter swallowed and stepped inside after knocking. "Yes Yes what it it?" Jameson said without looking up. "Uh.... I have some photos here. I though you might want to take a look at them?" Jameson looked up and rubbed his hands together eagerly. "Let me see what you got." Peter adjusted his collar as Jameson picked up each one and examined it carefully. Finally, he set them down. "I'll take all of them. Here." Peter opened his hand as Jameson pulled out some bills and put them in Peter's hand. Peter counted it as he headed towards the door. "Wait. Mr. Jameson. This is half of what I should get." "When you work form me everything's half price." Mr. Jameson said laughing. "But-But" Peter was shoved out the door as the next group of people came in. Peter sighed. The day Mr. Jameson gave him the full price of the photos would be the day he died of shock.

As Peter headed home he heard the sound of sirens off in the distance. "That's my cue." Peter mumbled to himself. Quickly, he disappeared into a nearby alleyway. A few moments later, Spiderman swung out form between the buildings and off towards the scene. Peter swung along just ahead of the cops and feet from the stolen bank car. Lights flashed against the moonless city night but that was the way Peter liked it. He gave one huge swing and landed on top of getaway vehicle. "Whoa!" Peter clung to the surface at the robbers desperately tried to throw him off. The wind rushed past his face as he slowly climbed up to the windshield. He popped his head through the driver's window. "Hey there! Uh... you know this isn't the best city to try and steal from. I'm kinda a big deal." The robber glanced at him and closed his window. "Well that war rude." Peter said. Flipping over to the side of the car, Peter crashed through the window and pulled out the driver. He threw him behind him and shot a web, catching and capturing the crook. Peter dived into the driver's seat much to the other robber's surprise. "Nice night for a joyride huh?" The robber desperately grabbed for his gun but Peter shot him to the side of the car and slowly pulled the car to a stop. The police cars screeched to a halt behind him, guns out. "You welcome officers!" Peter called as he swung away over a tall building and out of site.

Peter rubbed his shoulder as he unlocked his front door. He closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god you're alright." Y/N embraced Peter in a hug and a kiss. "Yea. It wasn't hard." Peter said softly. Y/N spoke to him while leaning on his shoulder. "Careful. I'm a little sore there." "Sorry. The kids are upstairs asleep but listen Peter..." "Any food in the fridge?" "Only last nights leftovers but Peter...." "Oh!" Peter said remembering something. He reached in his pocket and pulled out the money from his photos. "Got half of what I deserved again." Y/N smiled. "It's fine. I have my job remember? Besides you know Jameson. Not like he's going to change. Listen Peter, speaking about work, there's someone here to see you." Peter looked around. "Who?" "Someone from S.H.I.E.LD. They seem to have a job for you." Y/N gestured to the living room. Peter dropped his bag and headed for the room with Y/N in tow.

Slowly he opened and door to see a man in a suit looking at the pictures of their wall of him, Y/N, and the kids. "you said you needed me?" The man stopped and slowly turned around. "Coulson!?!" Peter said in shock. Agent Coulson gave one of his half-hearted smiles. "Hello Peter. Long time no see."

Hellow my fantastic companions! Sorry I haven't been on in so long. I've been taking intense summer courses which have officially ruined summer vacation for me and I've had all my technology (phone, tablet, ect.) taken away from me. (I'm using my mom's computer) Annnnyyywwwaaayy.... YAY! Didn't think I would do another one of these spooderman x readers but the whole story is somewhat planned out which helps. If you like Rise of the guardians of have any friends that have seen it, I may to something involving that in the near future as well as an original story. Thanks for waiting so long guys. Stay Brilliant!

~ ApocalypseRaccoon *Coulson livvvvveeessss* \(._.)/

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