A Month of So Later...

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Your P.O.V

Fury stared at the screen showing the recording of the teams failure at the obstacle course as you cringed behind him. Sure it was your idea and they had improved working together but still. The video clip ended and Fury turned to you. "This will have to do for now." Fury said. "Wait. You're sending them your there already?!?" You said in a slightly panicked matter. "Sending YOU out there Mrs. Parker. I trust you can handle them." You thought of the Avengers. "Hahaha nope." You attempted to run out of the room but Fury stopped you. "Mrs. Parker I am relying on you to hold the team together." Your hand trembled as you reached for the door. "Peter is relying on you." You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. "Fine. But I better be getting paid."

A few hours later...

You sat in the uncomfortable silence of the drop-ship with Peter and Capt. crammed in on either side of you. The air around you with filled with tension. Apparently SHEILD had discovered the location of the infinity stone and and was eager to get it. "Now approaching out target." The driver said over the intercom. The target was a high security government base in Canada. You felt bad for taking something from any Canadian especially considering they really didn't do anything to anyone else except wreck them in hockey. The base was located in the secluded area and heavily armed. The plan was to land in stealth mode and sneak in on the ground rather than a full on air attack. Peter leaned over. "Y/N. You should stay in the jump-ship." You looked at him. "Peter I know you're worried but I'll be fine. I've done this before." "But not with them!" Peter whispered gesturing to the three 'newbies'. Deadpool was poking Wolverine and Antman was reading a txt on his phone. "I think I'll live." You said turning away. You wanted to prove to Peter that you could fight. So many times before you had always had to be saved. You turned your head away from him. He frowned and gave his puppy eyes but you stood firm. There was no way you were backing out of this one. The plane landed with a jolt and Peter finally sighed and turned his head away as well. "Alright just..... Be careful ok? You turned to him and with a soft smile, your team headed out to the mission.

Whisp's P.O.V (all make up characters)

"The Avengers?" Whisp said sharpening a sword. Seconds growled. "It'll be easy. Well rip em up one by one no problem." Murderess raised her head. "And it seems little Wolverine is with them to." Whisp looked at her. "So should we tell the boss?" "No. It shall be fairly simple. Elementary even." Whisp looked around at the team, each specifically selected in some was to take down one avenger or another. Although they were outnumbered, they certainty weren't out-skilled. Whisp put on a pair of earphones and turned on her music player. "Alright then, let's just go and get the stone already." Seconds shook his head, this platinum silver hair flopping everywhere. "Can't do that just yet." Murderess glared at him. "Why not?" Seconds gave one of his sickening grins. "Because the Avengers are about to get it for us."

Your P.O.V

You stared at all the cool histories in the room. Iron man's first suit, Iron man's model of the element he created, Iron man's assorted weapon collection of Stark weapons. Basically, they team snuck into the Iron Man Display. "Great choice of room. This guy's my favorite." Stark said looking at a pic of himself. "Good choice Y/N." You turned to the billionaire. "Stark, I chose this room because it was closest to the target and the easiest room to get into.

"Really? You sure it wasn't Ice-man's room with the... what 1930 security?" Stark said. Capt. glared at him. You sighed and stepped in. Ok, game plan. You all know what you have to do? Antman was to shrink down and look for any security measures around the infinity stone while Deadpool and Wolverine were used as human shields in case any measures went unnoticed. Meanwhile, Bruce, Natasha, and Bruce would work on getting the stone while the rest of your were on guard for extra... disturbances. The team went immediately to do their jobs and you looked at Peter who had grabbed your wrist. "Stay close ok?" He whispered. You nodded. "Ok, we spread out and watch. Relay over the com if you see anything. Got it?" You said. The group nodded and spread out. Peter bent down. "Hop on Y/N" You grinned and hopped onto his back and held on tight. He shot web out and soon the pair of you were swinging up to the roof.

You felt Peter's feet hit the ground and you hopped off. You plopped down onto a vent and looked up at the sky. The city ruined the stars, leaving only a few of the brightest and the moon. Peter sat down next to you. "We should go to the country sometime." He said. "Huh?" You said. "Maybe we should go there for star-gazing sometime. Heck, we should just go to Alaska to see the northern lights." Your face lit up. "Oh My Gosh that would be so cool!" Peter smiled underneath his mask. "Thought so." You smiled at him and looked up at the stars again. "Wonder when we'd have the time." Peter followed your gaze. "I could prob make some time." "You can do that?" You said. You didn't know how anyone at the paper would react. "I could always make time for you Y/N" You blushed. Just then, your com crackled on causing you to jump up from your perch. It was Tony. "Er Huston, we seem to have a problem."

Yep, it's battle time!!! Sorry I'm taking so long on these chapters. Chemistry and Spanish are things I probably shouldn't do in the futures. My grades look like they were walking around a fell of a cliff. Anyway, kinda want to start a new fanfic soon, planing on TMNT or NINJAGO. Actually, it might be Doctor Who as well. Problem is keeping up with those stories. So just saying, chapters might take a little longer to post. Thx so much of reading!!!

~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon \(*_____*)/

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