Facetime Maybe?

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"Shut up!" They both yelled placing their hand on my mouth. "Were leaving tomorrow an-" I gasped because I wasn't packed and were leaving tomorrow. "And your welcome we want you there. Why are you going you ask." Gray said quieting down as he talked. He looked at Ethan and he sighed.

"There's a catch." Ethan said.


"And that is?" I rested my elbows on the table and leaned on my arms.

"We know you love to take pictures and you always talk about wanting a job in which you do what you love to do." Ethan said looking back and for the at me and Gray. "So when we heard they needed a photographer to follow us and snap pictures of our fav moments, we signed you up."

I lifted up my hand and paused them putting this information in NY head. "But like how did they know I actually took pictures. You could've lied and they wouldn't have known right?" I was confused on that because how can they trust these two you know.

"Well actually," Grey started jumping in "we took pictures of your Instagram and showed it to the manager and remember those pictures you took of us when we first started vine." I nodded.

"Your first little photoshoot in the garage right?" I asked smiling remembering that day. He nodded and continued.

"We showed him and he said you were an expert that your lighting was great and he would love for you to work with him." He smiled and nervously started playing with his fingers.

I smiled and looked at Ethan as he was biting his lip as he does when he's nervous. I stayed quiet for a few minutes just thinking. Do I really wanna go, I mean yes I can meet great people but I would have to be working 24/7. And then I can meet the Magcon boys , Cameron Aaron, Jacks, Matthew Lee Espinosa. "Lauren Lauren laurrreennn!" I shook my head and looked at Gray.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"I said how do you know Matthew's real name?" I instantly felt my cheeks heat up and I nervously bite my lip, yeah I got it from Ethan. "We know you did." I looked up and say Gray staring at me.


"Your starting to speak your thoughts again." Ethan said getting throwing the trash away. I laughed and shook my head, they bullshitiing I was not.

"Tell me something I said." I spoke as I got up and grabbed my bag.

"You starting naming some Magcon guys saying you wanna meet them and the you named and I quote 'Matthew Lee Espinosa'." Gray smirked and bumped my hip a bit as we walked out. I felt my cheeks burn up once again and I put my hands on my fave to hide it.

"Awe does someone have a crush on Matthew?" Ethan said walking next to me and putting his arm on my shoulder leaning me on his chest. I heard a phone go off but I knew it wasn't mine so I didn't uncover my face. "Speaking of Matthew" I heard Grayson.

I peeked out my hands and saw Ethan with his other arm stretched out on his phone with Matthew on FaceTime. I instantley tried my best to remove myself from his grip but I wouldn't budge.

"Is the Lauren?" I heard Matthew and I stopped moving literally. His voice was jus- Lauren stop its just a tiny crush don't over react like that. "Huh? Oh heh Matthew." I said casually now looking at the phone.

"How are you?" He asked smiling with his cute wide smile. Lauren no stop.

"I'm fine. Just heard I'm joining Magcon and we leaving tonight you know." Ismiled back and turned to look at Gray as he smirked at me.

"Here lovebirds I'll leave ya." Ethan handed me his phone and ran away with Gray. "ITS YOUR PHONE I CAN LOOK THROUGH IT!" I yelled back smirking. I leaned down and smiled at Matthew. "Sorry Matthew I probably hurt your ears." He shook his head.

"No its fine. But how about you give me your number and hand his phone back because I have a feeling he's running back for his phone." I looked up and indeed he was.

"Wow physic eh?" I laughed and looked back at him. "My number is 619-462-2829. (Random number idk). Just call me whenever I will answer not I have to go he's close." I smiled and waved but before I hung up Matthew quickly spoke.

"Whenever? Even when I'm taking a shit." He asked smirking a bit.

"Even when you taking a shit it ok babe," I hung up and gave his phone back in time. I called him babe wtf was that omg. Dead.

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