He's not your boyfriend?

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A/N: Enjoy :)


"That was so much fun, Austin." I said as we entered our house, "Yeah and I'm glad it was the best vacation with you." He said kissing my cheek as I put the luggage aside. We both went to Hawaii together for 4 weeks and it was the best time of my life, especially with Austin. There's something I want to tell him that I found out 3 weeks ago I was pregnant. I want to surprise him tomorrow when he comes home from work to catch up. It was around 11 at night when we got home, so we decided to get ready for bed. As we lay in bed, I go on twitter and put a photo of me and Austin as my icon. It was the best picture ever, he had his arms around my waist from behind as we look into each other's eyes. I set the picture and plug my phone into the charger. Turn on my side I feel Austin wrap his arms around my waist pulling me closer. "I love you." He kisses my cheek and I drift off into a deep slumber.

~Next Morning~

I woke up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After rinsing the tooth paste out of my mouth, I walk back over to the bed and grab my phone and go on twitter seeing I had a message from a girl saying, "Is that my boyfriend in your picture? What are you doing with my boyfriend?" What? Confused, I wrote a reply saying, "I'm sorry I think your mistaken. That's Austin, MY boyfriend." And a few seconds later she responded with, "Yeah that's my boyfriend." I couldn't believe it. Was Austin cheating on me? Before I could send a response back, she sent me a picture of them two kissing. Wait was this photo shopped? Or is Austin actually cheating on me? I look at the photo quite a while until I came to realization that it's not photo shopped. Wait so he is cheating on me or am I just crazy?

I think a bit and see if I've noticed any signs of this, well for starters he always leaves every night and not tell me, he's always on his phone smiling. So he is cheating. I delete the conversation with the girl, getting out of bed and grabbing my pillow smacking Austin in the face making him wake up immediately. "Y/N what the hell!" He says getting up. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yell in anger. How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me? "Baby what do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about." He says looking into my eyes, so I grab my phone and click on the girls twitter profile and read her name. "So you don't know who let me see Kelsey Winters is? Austin I mean come on. There's picture of you two kissing all over her page. What the fuck?!" I say trying not to tear up. I look at him and see his eyes widen, "Say something, Austin." I say with my voice cracking. "I-I don't know what to say, Y/N I-I, I'm sorry I didn't mean to I-I just" he kept stuttering not knowing what to say.

"Yeah whatever, Austin. I'm done." I said. I get up looking around for a suitcase, "Y/N don't leave." Austin says behind me. "Austin I wouldn't want to leave you, trust me, but why would you even think about doing what you did?" I said wiping some tears away, "Y/N please there's an explanation for this, but you might think it's crazy." He said desperately, I sign and decided to give him a chance to talk because I really don't want to leave him. Maybe it was a fake picture? "Okay." I told him, listening to what he had to say about this. "Okay listen Y/N, Kelsey is my ex. This picture was from a long time ago and obviously she still has them, and I'm pretty sure she did this on purpose. Y/N you have to understand that I love you. Not her. There's a reason why we broke up. She's freaking crazy." He said, "Then why do you always leave and you're smiling every time you're on your phone?" I told him with doubt in my voice. "Babe I'm always smiling on my phone because I'm reading tweets from mahomies and they're funny. I leave because I-I've been working on this new song and I uhh was gonna sing to you." He said whispering the last part. A small shade of pink creeps on his face. I feel stupid now. "A-Austin I'm so sorry. What was I thinking?" I said feeling embarrassed.

"Y/N it's okay. I love you." Austin says coming over and wrapping his strong arms around my small waist bringing me close to him, holding me tightly to make me know he won't ever leave me. "I love you too." I said wrapping my arms around his torso and laying my head on his chest. "Can we just go back to bed?" He asked braking the silence making me look up and nod lightly. Before I knew it we were both in bed together and I couldn't be any more happier to be with him.


Aww such a sweet ending. Credits to iimaginemahone on Instagram for making this for me. Go follow her and read her imagines they're pretty good. She'll make you one if you ask her. Please comment and vote!!
Also if you want a personal just PM me or comment!
Thanks munchkins ❤️

xoxo ~ B

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