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Before you kill me and start asking me why haven't updated, well, I guess you could say I have a life to run too.

No I'm kidding! 😂 I've had writers block for a while. (okay more like forever but bare with me. I have my reasons) Idk I just really haven't been in the "writing mood" I guess you could say.

Also, school has been kicking me in the ass lately and my parents are some what "strict" about that. So yeah. 😐 like in my English class we read a book and now we are doing all of the damn vocabulary in it. THERES LIKE 104729192 VOCAB WORDS (really there's like 63) and she's making us do a test over all of them. Bitch I can't remember the names of the people I go to school with what makes you think I can remember 63 words idk how to pronounce and know the meaning too! I love English but my teacher makes me hate it. 😑✋😤 we do absolutely nothing in there. I better stop before I hurt someone 😒

I've had to go the hospital bc I use to have headaches every day of the week and nothing I did would ease it down. I would literally come home from school everyday, take nap from 6 and wake up at like 8 or 10. So FINALLY after getting an appointment they said everything came back normal and put on me some medication. I'm better now thanks for asking. 😊

My birthday is coming up so I've been wondering about that and like what to do, what I want, and all that fun stuff. (Incase you were wondering my b-day is October 19th 😆)

OH! AUSTIN FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER AND I FLIPPED SHIT. BRUH WHAT FRICK AHDHSGDPWJEBNCJWKEKROFIVJEJ I WAS SO HAPPY LIKE ALL MY FRIENDS HATE HIM AND WHEN I TOLD THEM THEY WERE LIKE REALLY BREE NO ONE CARES ! BUT HE FOLLOWED ME 😭😭❤️❤️ I DIDN'T THINK IT WOULD EVER HAPPEN. And Becky follows me too so BECSTIN follows and I'm happy. (No I'm not bragging I have their follow I'm just really happy about it. So don't get all up in my comments saying I'm bragging. No bitch I'm not. Your irrelevant now go execute yourself) that was mean but hey it's true 🙎👐

Once again, IM SO SO SORRY AND PLEASE DONT KILL ME. I LOVE YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH AND APPRECIATE IT THAT YOU TOOK TIME TO READ THESE CRAPPY IMAGINES. But I might- no I WILL update sometime this weekend bc I know I'll have some free time. But yeah if you want me to make you an imagine PM me or comment! Thanks nerds 💓

P.s. Austin's song for mema makes my heart melt. I lost my grandfather 3 years ago and when I heard the song I start to ball my eyes out. Just wanted to say that ☺️

Xoxo ~ B

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