Be Happy Always

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During the last few days I was very depressed and was not spending time in God's presence. But I have overcome all the problems and my faith in Christ has increased even more.Do pray for me.

So in this chapter I am going to tell you about how to be happy even at bad times. Friends I know its very difficult to be happy when you are suffering and problems have surrounded you . At times even I find it difficult to be happy during problems.But don't give up.You have to overcome your problems with prayer. Surrender yourself completely to Our Lord Jesus Christ and he will help you to come out of problems.

Many of you think that you alone are suffering and God doesn't care about it.But friends God always cares for you and is ever ready to help you. The only thing is you should trust him even when things aren't going the right way.He is the hope and light. He has better plans for you.
Satan tries to distract you and he is always finding different ways to separate you from God. So you should be alert always and dedicate yourself completely to Jesus.Even when you are in problems, learn to be happy. Because Satan hates when we are happy.Satan is defeated when we smile and glorify Christ.So friends be happy always, meditate on God's words and follow his commandments.

So next time when you are in problem just smile and glorify Christ and see how the problem vanishes. Be happy always.Jesus is with you.

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