29 More Steps

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Once again Elena woke up with a bang. But this time the floor was hard and earth like. That's when she realised she wasn't in her house at all.
She looked around and saw three people standing by a fire. Jeremy, poking at the fire with a stick. Bonnie standing beside him reading what Elena made out as a spell book and Caroline frantically rushing around with her head in her hands.

As she slowly stood up she saw what she was wearing and was instantly shocked. Her sweat pants had been replaced for a freakishly tight pair of jeans and her normal hoodie was now a V-Neck jumper. But strangely, this made her feel more normal than anything else.

"Where are we?" Elena asked walking over to the group.
"I'm not sure and that's what I'm trying to find out! If Bonnie would just lift her head from that book and help me!" Caroline muttered angrily.
"I'm trying to find a way back. If you would like to take over then sure...have fun reading my grandmas old spells" Bonnie chucked the book at Caroline.
But Elena wasn't focused on the constant squabbling of her two best friends. She was watching in the distance. The trees were moving different like they were being swayed. She walked over to them and placed her hand on the tree. But as she looked up she realised she wasn't alone.

The tree swayed some more and Elena felt herself move aback. And just in time as the boy jumped from the tree. He was taller than Elena but his face made him look younger than her.
"You must be Elena" he put out his hand to shake but she ignored it, still staring at his familiar eyes.
"Okay then..." The boy muttered. "I'm Seth, Seth Salvatore"

Hey guys,
Sorry that this is quite short and boring but I just need a few chapters to get to the exciting bit. Anyway I'm gonna be publishing later as well as this is short. Thankyou for reading

S x

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