Chapter Eighteen

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             I resist as much as I can and recognize the arms, the same hooded figure who tried to attack me last time. I finally manage to scream his name but then she got hold of my wrists and as I screamed her grip got tighter and she slapped me on the face with her other hand "Help" I shouted again. "Leave me alone" I beg but this time he followed my voice and as I expected, she disappeared instantly. "Thanks god, you're alright" he gave a sigh of relief. "Was there anyone? Did somebody hurt you?" 

Yes I thought to myself. "No" I finally replied

"C'mon" he said supporting me, he wrapped my arms around his shoulder and helped me walk over to his car . He opened the car door and settled me carefully in the car seat. He went to the other side, got in and started to drive. "I thought I had lost you" he said focusing on the dark road.

"Me, too" I replied, not recognizing my own voice, it was weak and quavering. I let myself enjoy the warmth of his car and my shivering body starts to return back to its steadiness gradually. I feel comfortable in the car seat, I don't know whether the seat is really soft or it's just a normal feeling after lying and being dragged on a cold hard floor. 

      A volcano of questions  exploded but I was too weak to stand the burning lava. I gave no replies to most of them. "For a moment, I was about to lose it. I thought I'd never succeed and get to that place. How on earth did you get there? Did somebody kidnap you? Just tell me, are you hurt? " he asked relentlessly. I couldn't explain anything so he just exhaled and focused his eyes on the road. 

          I heard my stomach rumbling and I think he heard it, too cause he asked if I'm hungry and of course I gave him an affirmative nod. He stopped by a small restaurant and stayed inside for few minutes. I waited quietly inside the car. The place looked delightful, illuminated with strong red and yellow lights everywhere with many kids and families inside and out. It was really loud and cheerful that I felt like I've been covering my ears for so long and finally let it hear voices for the first time since forever, there are crying kids,  laughing dads , chatting mothers and handful of teenagers gathering around two tables with their laptops, earphones and I-pods sitting beside their food. I can't believe I'm here safe and sound, with many people around me and in the middle of the most alive places in Polina while in fact I was about to die half an hour ago, or god knows, maybe that didn't really happen. Ever since I knew about Zack I began to suspect my memories and my dreams. 

         I scanned the place with my eyes and noticed Josh coming out with wrapped food and already noticed some oil spots on the wrappings. He got inside and I heard the car door closed, smelled the food which I guessed were cheese burger sandwiches and French fries. The smell itself got me crazy until he finally handed me mine "Your comfort food" he said with a cute wink. He knows everything  about me and that includes the food  I always prefer to order. "Thanks" I murmured while unwrapping my food. I already felt the hot food warming my cold palms and began to devour the sandwich awkwardly because I saw him observing my face as I bite and chew.

       "I've always asked for a sister, and I guess god fulfilled my prayers" he finally said still smiling warmly at me. A tear rolled down my cheeks and I know he thought I was hurt but it wasn't for pain, it was for gratitude. I slow down with eating and begin to pour some ketchup over my French fries. "You know I won't force you to talk"  he said as he started to unwrap his  own food, too. We ate inside the car and I was about to give an explanation but my phone started ringing, it's mom .

"Hey" I answered

"Where the hell are you?" she shouted at the phone that I had to move it away from my ears so that she doesn't rip them off.

"Umm... I'm with Josh" I say looking at him and  feel glad that he's busy with his food.

"What?!! Anyhow, your school sent a letter, Ash. Do you just wish for home-studying, daughter?" she asked and not in a friendly way at all.I felt that Josh is getting a bit uncomfortable.

"No, it's fine." I replied, hoping that she'd just hang up. 

"Ashley Cooper, you come straight home. NOW" she ordered

"Ok" I hung up. I'm not really willing to go straight home now

      I  turn to him "Josh,Do you think ..." and before I could finish the question he moved his face forward and looked at me in the eye like he is waiting to catch the truth with his eyeballs as soon as it pour out of me " I mean will you believe  it if I said that I killed  someone?" I asked out of the blue.  He slumped back slowly and turned away then laughed half-heartedly.

"I'm not kidding" I say.

 "Well, if it was a bad person, I may  believe it " he said slightly smiling. He noticed my terrified look "I don't think you'd ever do it, anyway" he corrected himself quickly. "It's just about...I mean how far you can go to do what you think is the right thing" he explained. "Have you ever thought about it, anyway?" he asked.

         I tried to hold it all back and not break down in front of him or anyone. "Thought about killing anyone?" I ask weakly. "You need to go home" he smiled and started driving.

            Isn't it clear? Isn't it obvious? It all makes sense. Suddenly all of the clues finally come to my mind and the picture is finally complete . Finally, I found the last missing piece of my puzzle.  The hooded figure that is available only when I'm around and evaporates whenever somebody arrives, Zack who turned out to be a psychologist, the voice that whispered into my ears, mom's gesture when her finger traced my face on the photo, what Brad said, how Hayley reacted when I talked about the murder, the anonymous messages that I searched  about before Sasha's parents already received anonymous message about their daughter's body, the feeling that I got when I was going to school the morning after she died and how I felt tired even though I didn't remember making any effort and finally Josh's words.

 It's me who killed Sasha Foster

Authors' note: Please, tell me your opinions and don't forget to vote if you like it. I would also love to hear your guessing about the next chapter :)   

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