Chapter 13

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Song: Believe x Shawn Mendes ❤


Five. There's five more minutes until I get to that cell. At least the weathers nice today and I got to see Amanda. My mum still hasn't responded to Amanda's presence, which I suppose is a good thing. Right now I definitely don't want to talk about misunderstandings that she may have whirling through her mind.

"Anxious?" My mum breaks through the silence.

"No." I lie.

"Sure seems like it, you haven't made a peep since I told you we were almost there. I'm sure everything will be just fine."

"Fine isn't good enough though. I don't want it to be fine, I want it to be better than that. I swear if its not like an imprisonment, I will most likely do what I want." I mean what I say, but I'm not gonna be slapping people whenever I feel like it or something. I'll probably walk around at any time.

"Hm. Well we're here Harry. "She says while huffing.

I stare out the window, my eyes scanning the big building. It has red brick walls in the front of the building. I suppose,
to lighten the way the rooms will look.

While getting out of the truck I almost fall on my face. I walk to the trunk to retrieve my bag I have for the stay.

"Ready?" My mum asks with wide eyes.

"Yup." I respond. I'm sure it won't be that bad. Its just the fact that someone is making me go there. I honestly don't like that in this situation. I don't really have a say so. Or over my whole life anymore.

I know it's short but I needed to update something 😁

I will try and update small pieces everyday Forreal . I have to get you guys' attention back ! Ntways I promise I'll try to do better ...

Love you all and tell your grandparents about my book 😂💕
All the love x InDyiah ❤

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