Chapter 1

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Flashback - three days before Daria and Connor began dating

"Judicorn, she calls you that? I love it, I'm calling you that," Connor giggles.

"No Connor please don't!" I scream completely horrified.

"You have no choice Judicorn!" Connor hoots and starts to tickle me violently. While he does it I flail my arms and legs and scream. He occasionally stops but then starts right up again about five seconds later. Eventually he stops and smiles at me, I look at his eyes and can't believe how adorable he is, I skim up and down, he's on top of me pinning me down. We stare into each others eyes and I swear it feels magical. Then Connor begins to say something.

"Jude I love y-"

"Connor your dad's here!" Callie screams and we both jump up in shock. Connor immediately starts walking towards the door.

"What were you going to say Connor?" I ask as we reach his dads car.

"Nothing. Forget about that."

And with that he is gone.

Two Months Later

I walk through the halls of Anchor Beach alone. Two months ago Connor would've been walking beside me, but now, now he is with Daria, he barely has time for me in school let alone outside of school. While opening my locker, I catch Daria and Connor walking together in the mirror in my locker, they're holding hands and laughing as usual. Tons of people walk past and holler funny things at them, they always play along, they are the schools best couple many say.

"Hey Jude," Daria smiles, I know she is nice, but I can't stand her.

"Goodbye," I mutter and race away from them as fast as I can.

I can hear Connor sigh and Daria whining in confusion, but I could care less.

At lunch I sit alone where Connor and I first sat together, of course Daria chooses the closest possible seat to me. She sits there with Connor, Taylor, and some new boy in there group James. They talk and laugh so hard it makes it seem like they are trying to convince everyone they are having the most fun in their lives. It bothers me so like any person would do, I get up and leave. They all quiet down and watch me as I stomp off. I walk to the bathroom and finish my lunch with the putrid smell of crap wafting into my nose. This was basically where I went whenever Daria or Connor was bothering me, so almost everyday. 

Before they started dating we would all sit together and it was really fun, they were my only friends, so now I was friendless. There have been nights where I stay up crying to myself, other nights I punch my pillow madly, and some nights I hate myself, lately there hasn't been many happy nights. The Fosters have all noticed but have decided to not make a big deal of it unless it gets serious, I hear there family meetings from the vent in my room. They don't think I'm depressed, and I really don't know what I am, I don't feel much these days.

When I get home I do my usual routine, I do my homework, then I play some video games, and then I go sit in my room and listen to songs on full blast. I've found myself more and more skipping meals, food seems like I waste to me, who cares if I eat? It makes me feel sick, plus its not like Connor would like me anymore if I was some fat ass. 

"Jude it's time for dinner," Lena says cheerfully standing at my door.

"Not hungry thank you," I do my best to sound happy but my voice cracks.

"Jude, food now. I fell for that the first four times but this is becoming a very unhealthy habit."

I sigh and proceed downstairs, the smell of food doesn't appeal to me like it used to. Everyone is sitting excitedly and licking there lips, they all seem so happy in life, although I know that's not the case. We have chicken wings and salad with some bread. I eat a bite of my chicken wing and two of my salad, that's enough to make me feel like I am going to throw up.

"Jude, is that all you're going to eat?" Stef concerning asks me.

"Yeah dude what's up you're already a stick?" Jesus obliviously shouts.

"Food has just been making me feel sick lately, I don't know," I mutter.

"Do you want to go to the doctor?" Lena suggests.

"Nope, it'll probably go away," I say knowing it truly won't, unless Connor comes back.

"If this keeps up we will have no choice." 

"Also, where has Connor been these past months, is everything good," Callie has to say. She can always read my mind.

"Everything is amazing." I spit out.

"You sur-" but before anyone can continue speaking I lose it.

"Just shut up. Leave me alone. " I scream slamming my hand to the table, then I get up and run to my room.

Two months without Connor and I've turned into some kind of monster.

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