Chapter 7

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We arrive in this tiny little town receiving many confused and concerned looks from the locals. Connor and I spend the rest of the day looking for a place to sleep, we settle on this small park by this pond, there is a covered area intended for barbecues but judging by the size of the town not many people will come here. When the night comes upon us we cuddle up next to each other and shut our eyes. Cuddling Connor is such a new feeling to me that I have butterflies in my stomach. His arm is around me, my stomach is on his chest. 

"What did your dad say to you?" I finally get myself to ask.

"Jude, do you really want to know?" 


"He, he said, um, he told me -" he stutters at first but then gets himself to speak, "He said, get the fuck out of my house you disgusting freak, I could kill you, never come back. Then he hit me and I just grabbed my stuff and ran out. I think he was a little drunk." Connor has that look in his eyes of complete fear.

"Connor, I'm so sorry," I pull him closer and we shut our eyes and fall asleep. 

I wake up to sound of a screaming Connor, my eyes shoot open and I see a man on top of us, he has a knife in his hand.

"Give me all you got kids," he smirks.

"We, we don't have anything." I stutter, but when he moves closer to me I shoot up, grab my money, and give it to him. When he is satisfied he jumps up and runs away, Connor springs towards him and I scream in terror but it comes out more as a whimper. Connor has always been way over protective. He throws the man to the ground and rips his knife out of his hand and throws into the lake. Then Connor proceeds to punch the man several times and kicks him down, then bangs his head against a rock and the man stops moving. 

"Never scare my boyfriend again you fucker." He shouts. Connor is lucky he is so big and muscular for his age, but I am terrified of him at the moment.

"Connor." I scoot farther from him.

"Jude, I did it to protect you, he would've killed us," Connor states, but he is unaware why I scooted away, the man is behind him. He knocks Connor down and then runs off with the money. 

Connor lays there unconscious, I run over to him and try to shake him awake. I'm crying and shaking, what have we done. I run over to the pond with one of my shirts and wet it, then I put it on Connors face and another one on his wound. Then I lay by his side because there is not much more I can do. 

When he wakes up he shoots up and says, "Maybe we should go home."

I nod, Connor can stay in a different home in our area I'm sure. Anything is better than this. We take the next bus home, we know what's awaiting us but we are prepared. As expected when we arrive back at home there are cop cars in my driveway and plenty of crying family members. When we walk up to them they run up to us and surround us with hugs.

"What in gods name were you thinking?" Stef screams. I look at Connor as to ask for permission to tell them and he nods.

"Moms, I'm gay, with Connor. Now I know you fully support that, but Connors dad on the other hand told Connor to get out of the house and never come back. Connor did as he said and I couldn't let him go alone, but we realized it wasn't a smart choice." I tell them and their eyes get sad and they give Connor a huge hug.

"I'm just glad you're okay, you're grounded for a month, never do something that stupid ever again. Connor on the other hand, you will be needing to switch homes." Lena pats him on the back. "We can do all that."

Connor spends the day at our house getting patched up by my moms and iced,  I barely get to talk to him because I am sent to my room. Lena comes in once to give me dinner but she looks so angry with me and doesn't say a thing.

Connors dad comes later that evening and all I can hear is him shouting and screaming at Connor and then I hear a siren and lots of chaos. 

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