Black Magic 4

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Perrie's pov:

Zayn is taking me to the doctor today. It's been two weeks since the wedding and my body was still trying to conceive a baby. Meaning I was not at my best. I've basically had morning sickness, mixed with the flu. I had chills, a fever, I was throwing up, and I couldn't leave my room because I'd pass out if I stood up. So Zayn had decided there was something seriously wrong with me, and we were going to find out.

"P-please Za-aayn I'm f-fine", I pleaded, trying to wrap the blanket tighter around my body. " Perrie, do you remember what we vowed at our wedding?" He paused and I nodded. "In sickness and in health. And right now you're sick. I have to take you to the doctors. It's like your body has gone bipolar."

"I'm ok", I whispered. Of course then the bile had to rise in my throat, I bolted out of the bed to the bathroom, and threw up for the fifth time this morning. Zayn held my hair, and I just layed on the floor, curled up in a ball. I couldn't move. I'd throw up again. As much as I hated to admit it, this was irregular. The symptoms usually don't last this long.

" Z-zayn. I have to t-t-tell you -somet-thing." I stuttered. He sat down on the floor with me, and took me into his arms. "What is it  Perrie?" I took a shaky breath in. "I c-can't have k-kids. I'm inf-fertile. Th-that's why th-this is h-happening." Zayn went stiff. He took me by my shaking shoulders, and looked me right in my bloodshot eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He sounded disappointed, so I looked down at the floor. "Y-you were exc-cited for a b-baby. I've b-been p-praying for one. It w-would be a m-miracle if I h-ad o-one". Zayn hugged me tightly, and I stopped shivering. " I wish you had told me, but I'm still taking you to the doctor" Zayn said. I looked up. "Why? I just told you what was happening." He sighed.

"A week ago, I contacted your mom to see if she knew what was happening, and she asked if we'd had intercourse. I said yes, and she explained your infertility." Tears brimmed in my eyes. Someone else had to tell him. "She told me what the symptoms were if your body was to try to conceive a baby. She said it would last a couple more days. Yesterday I called her again, saying you had gotten progressively worse. She said it wasn't normal, and to take you to the hospital because something could be seriously wrong." He let a tear fall. "Perrie", he whispered. " I have to take you. I'm sorry."

"No Zayn", I sighed. " I'm sorry. I should've been the one to tell you, not my mom. Could we please go now. I feel like shit. I want to go lie down." He scooped me up in his arms, and brought me outside to his car. He layed me across the back seat, and put a towel under my head. He got in the front seat, and started driving. I curled intiba balk, trying to conserve any heat I could. "P-please h-hhury." I whispered.

We pulled into the hospital parking lot, and Zayn got me out of the back seat, cradling me in his arms. Just go my luck, paparazzi were lined up outside.

"Zayn, is Perrie cancerous?"
"Did you poison Perrie?"
"Does this have to do with Perrie's infertility?"

The last one caught me off-guard. How would anyone know that? I broke down in Zayn's arms, just as a nurse thankfully got us inside. He layed me on a stretcher. "Hello, I'm Zayn Malik, I'm taking my wife in to see doctor Berrit." The lady nodded, and Zayn carried me into a little office.

"Hello Perrie, Zayn. How are we today?" Doctor Berrit asked. "Horribly", I moaned, laying my hand over my head, which ached. Zayn took my hand in his and rubbed his thumb over it. Something he knew calmed me down.

" I can see that Perrie, you don't look well. I'm going to have to run some tests, seeing as this is due to your infertility. We will also do an ultrasound, just to see if anything has happened." I nodded, and he left the room for a minute. I shivered. These chills were awful. I felt like I was in Canada. Or the North Pole. "Z-zayn, c-can you p-pass me the " b-bkanket over t-there?" He nodded and covered me up, just as doctor Berrit came back to do my ultrasound.

He squirted the cold gel on my stomach and moved it around. It hurt like hell due to my flu-like symptoms. "Hmm, this is odd", my head shot up. " What is it? What's  wrong? " Zayn's face resembled worry and panick. "Ms. Edwards, you claimed you were infertile, correct?" I nodded my head slowly.

"Perrie, its a miracle. You're pregnant." My jaw dropped, and my eyes welled up. "How is this possible?" I whispered, laying a hand across my stomach. Zayn layed his hand on top of mine. "Well Perrie, yours and Zayn's bond must be very strong. He broke your barrier that prevented you from having children. And he did a very good job of breaking it Perrie. You're having twins." Doctor Berrit smiled, and Zayn and I hugged and cried tears of happiness.

"However", he said, causing us to stop. " Perrie, because you're not supposed to carry children, you will have complications with your pregnancy. These symptoms will last throughout your pregnancy, as well as mood swings, and your babies are likely to be about two months premature. You're going to have to be hospitalized once you reach five months though, because if the size of the babies by then, and your weak nervous system."

I  nodded, suddenly a bit down. I've felt awful for the past two weeks and now there's six and a half more months of this. "What about the band?" Zayn asked. I froze. I hadn't even thought of Little Mix. Jesy, Jade and Leigh-Anne only think this is a reaction to my infertility. Not a reaction to my pregnancy. They think I'm going to be fine in a matter of days. I broke down crying.

"Perrie, unfortunately, you're going to be limited as to what you can do for Little Mix", doctor Berrit said slowly. " I can't allow you to be on stage, and when you have interviews, you may go, but you'll feel like you do now, and in layer months, it will be worse." I nodded. "What about touring? Can I at least go on the bus with them, but not perform?" I couldn't leave my girls. "Unfortunately Perrie, being on a tour bus, around screaming, crazed fans will cause stress for you babies. I can't allow you on tours either. I'm afraid you'll have to stay in the country so you aren't travelling far." He picked up some papers and headed for the door.

"Have a good day Perrie, and congratulations". I sat in silence with Zayn. " Are we ready for this?" I asked. "You can't leave me. No touring with One Direction." (Lets pretend Zayn never left) He nodded. "Perrie I promise, I won't leave your side and if I need to go pick something up, like groceries or whatever weird food you're craving, I will call someone to stay with you for as long as you need." He leaned in to kiss me, then his phone rang. "Excuse me", he said.

Zayn's pov:


"Hello Zayn, its  Simon. I'm calling to inform you that in one month, you will be going on a three month world tour."

"Simon, sir I think it would benefit the both of us if you, the boys, and Little Mix came to Perrie's and my place for dinner tonight. We have to tell you all something."

"Ok Zayn, I will be there around 5:30. And you better have a good explanation."

With that, he hung up. This was not going to go well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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