New Student

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I woke up really refreshed this morning i don't know if it was because of the new house or the delicious smell of eggs, ham, toast and something else i couldn't quite guess what ever it was it was a smell that i haven't smelled in a long time. I rushed down the long flight of stairs that felt like forever to walk down. I finally made it down to see my mom filling our new dinner table full of freshly cooked breakfast, i mean it was so cool it's been a long time since iv'e seen my mom cook let alone something good i mean she made everything all the food in the world, in my eyes of course it started off to be a really nice morning school was starting to look good to me....

Then i showed up.

We finally pulled up at the school and it was really big and had a huge gate around it. It was much closer to my house than usual, at my old school my mom didn't take me i had to catch 2 buses and then walk the rest of the way so this was a lot better than doing all of that any day. Today was the day that i finally feel like i have a life like i can officially breath. My mom dropped me off at the front of the school, gave me a kiss on my forehead and told me to have a good day, she finally went to work with a smile on her face.

As i walked through the glass doors of the school, this statue caught my eye iv'e seen it in a dream before. It was an animal, a wolf type thing. i've seen it before. I dont believe i made it up because it is looking right at me. It was gold and surrounded by glass. 

"Are you new? Are you Ms. Park?" Asked a lady who tapped my shoulder.

As i regained my thoughts I was much closer to the statue than what i thought.

"Yes, but just call me Amethyst." I told the lady.

"Hi Amethyst, Im Ms. Jackson, the front office main secretary. Follow me and I will show you the person that will be giving you a tour around the school. Now let me remind you that this is a night school so you dont have to be here in the morning time like other schools. We want you to be comfortable with getting around yourself." Ms. Jackson said as she escorted me to the main office.

When I walk in the office I saw this girl dressed in a school uniform with i high pony tail, long finger nails and black nail polish, green eyes with a small scar coming down on the right side of her cheek.

As i thought to myself a girl like this is going to show me around the school she looks like she's going to kill me how am i suppose to act what do i say to someone like her. 

"This is Aziza S. she will be showing you around today" Said Ms. Jackson

She just sat there in silence didn't say a word 

" Hi Aziza my name is Amethyst Park nice to meet." i said trying to break the awkward silence that had filled the room.

"Let's just get this over with alright i want to go home so i don't have to be back in this hell hole until tonight okay, so let's just skip the introduction" Aziza said with full intimidation.

She walked out the door leaving me to either stay or follow her. 

"Um... Ms. Jackson, is this the student that..." I was interrupted by Ms. Jackson.

"I know, she is doing this for a punishment because of some things she has done. Can you just try to tolerate her for the sake of your education and her self respect. I know she seems a little rough around the edges, but i think she just need a true friend. Oh yeah here is your schedule."

I grabbed my schedule and walked out the office saying thank you to Ms. Jackson finding my way to see Aziza standing by a flight of stairs that lead to other parts of the school. As we walked the halls she didn't look at me, she didn't ask me if i had any questions, she didn't do any of that she just pointed to the classes and that was it nothing more, nothing less; It was a mystery, that girl, she seemed to be a ghost, someone who just didn't care. We finally finished the school tour and made our way back to the front of the school were the statue had been i couldn't help but think that she has to know something about this maybe she can help me figure out why it keeps coming to my dreams.

"hey... umm can you tell me what this statue is, i know it may sound weird but i've seen this before some where i just don't know what it means."

"So you've seen this exact statue before! that's weird were the only school that has it." Aziza said 

That's the first time iv'e heard her speak since we left the office. by the look on her face she seemed to have interest in my question about the statue, I turned my head to look at the mysterious animal one more time and then to look back at Aziza and she was gone. 

I finally made my way back to my house to see that my mom didn't make it back from work but she did leave a note on the counter for me saying.

Dear A,

        Mommy is out doing some late minute shopping be back in a few hours go out and explore the city while you can and remember to be back in time for school tonight, oh and don't forget there is food in the fridge and your school uniform is on your bed i had it dropped off by your school                

                                                                                                                                                       love, Mom

Since i had such a crazy morning i decided to just hangout at home, watch some T.V until it was time for me to go to school later on tonight. Night school that should be something new to experience iv'e always been to school in the morning time to late afternoon hopefully i can get use to the big change of having to go to school at night. My schedule said that we get time to rest and even students have their own study room from the tour that Aziza gave me all the classes look pretty big and the cafeteria is huge. I cant wait to see what kind of students will be at the school.

I wake up to find that i had fallen asleep all the way until night fall had came it was almost time for me to go to school i got up and hopped in the shower washing myself until i was fully awake. I made my way in my room and got dressed it felt really weird going to school at night but i was really excited. Once i finished getting dressed i saw that my mom had fallen asleep in her room and headed out. On the dinner table was a sack and my moms car keys with a note saying have a goodnight at school and you can take the car just be safe. She packed my lunch for me and i headed out starting my first day... i mean my first night at school.

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