Who Are You?

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I slowed my pace till I came to a complete stop. It was Aziza and three other girls. Then I had a flash back to last night at school. There stood the four girls that I saw when I decided to storm off in my car. As I was about to turn on my heels to leave in the opposite direction someone called out.

"Hey! Wait!" yelled one of the girls Aziza was hangout with.

I froze in my spot unable to move. I turned my head in the direction that Aziza was in to see who they were talking then i thought my eyes were deceiving me . Then i rubbed my them just  to see all the girls walking in my direction. I broke from my stance and started to run back to my car.

"HEY! HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" I hear as I kept running to get to my destination. I got in my car and started it up. I turned the radio down and locked my doors. They were still approaching my car so I just backed up and drove off.

"Great job Aziza! We can't even get close to her because she is scared of you!"

Don't get mad at me you guys know i'm not good at this type of thing anyway so get your feelings out of you ass and let's go find her.

I tried to drive away as fast as i could. I mean it was crazy, what do they want with me, who was that hanging with Aziza, was it friends, wait ? 

does she even have any friends, did they come looking for me for something? 

I must be losing my mind, did i really have to drive off like that? The only thing they did was call out my name but what do they want me. I'm a nobody this is seriously not going the way i planned it. All i wanted to do was go and have a good day before i went to that school; but "no" I can't do that.

let's not amethyst, let's have a high speed run away chase in your car from some girls who are just around the same age if not younger. Then my mind came to a complete stop and i started to think. 

All of this is adding up...

Iv'e been having these dreams about this statue and it turns out that i just so happen to be at the school.Next i have Aziza who doesn't seem to like me but now that i think about it she doesn't seem to like anyone but when i told her about the statue she seemed like she knew something that i didn't 


someone spoke to me really loud this time i didn't glue my feet to the floor and i turned around. It was Aziza and the other three girls that called out my name. They each had there hands on there knees, sweat dripping from there faces while panting.



Were not trying to murder you geez you ran off like you seen us commit a murder or something. Look i know Aziza may have not been the nicest person to you but you have heard the saying " Don't judge a book by it's cover" haven't you?

"Yes", i said while looking at the girls trying to figure out who they are, where they came from, why they want me.

After a while the girls had finally caught there breath. 

I decide to break the awkward silence and ask them why they were looking for me.

"Is there something that you ladies want with me"? I said while trying to keep light on my feet just in case one of them tried to do something to me.

"Sorry i know you haven't had it good with Aziza so i want to apologize on my behalf." 

"And who might you be"? 

OH my apologizes my names is Zenna i'm Aziza's big sister and the two ladies you haven't meet is Cammie and the youngest; Rocket were the Kilee sisters.

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