Chapter 19

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Ashton had woken up today before Reagan.
He quietly made his way out of bed careful not to wake Reagan. He made his way into the kitchen, seeing as he could make them both breakfast. She had been making Ashton's stay as easy as possible, making them their meals, doing laundry, anything she could do to make him comfortable. Making her something to eat this morning was the least he could do.

Once he made them both a plate he made his way back into the bedroom where Reagan was still asleep. He smiled before pecking her lips a few times.

"Hey," Ashton smiled shaking Reagan a little bit after she stirred.

Reagan opened her eyes and grumbled, "Hi."

"Come on sleepy, I made you breakfast."

After Reagan sat up for a moment and woke up, she followed Ashton to the kitchen where he had blueberry pancakes and bacon ready.

"Aw babe you didn't have to," Reagan smiled.

Reagan could see the improvement in Ashton's mood and it made her happy to see him genuinely smile again.

"So i'm gonna go home for a little while today, talk to everyone," Ashton said as he put his fork down after he was done eating.

"Really?" Reagan asked.

"Mhm, when you leave for work i'm gonna head over there," Ashton said taking his plate and putting it in the sink.

"You don't want to wait for me to get off work and we can go together?" Reagan asked. She knew it must be hard to do this all alone.

Ashton shook his head no. He appreciated Reagan wanting to come and support him, but he didn't want her to be there in case things got ugly. All he needed was her to be here for him when he got back.

Ashton and Reagan cleaned up the kitchen together, and Reagan even started a small water fight. When they were done washing all the dishes, they were both wet.

Reagan could get use to this.. waking up next to Ashton each morning and being with him. It was like they were living together, and she loved it. She placed a firm kiss to Ashton's lips before they got ready for their day.


Ashton let out a deep breath as he parked in the driveway. He saw a car he didn't recognize in front of the house, and knew his dad was here just like he figured. Ashton reached for the car door, and made his way up to the front of the house, pushing the key into the lock and making his way inside.

He found his mom and his dad in the living room, along with Harry who was playing on his xbox.

"Ashton," his mom smiled once she saw him in the doorway of the living room.

"Hey Harry, can you go in your room for a little while? I need to talk to mom about some grown up stuff," Ashton asked and Harry obliged.

"Have you been at Reagan's? I've been trying to reach you," his mom asked. He knew she was, but he didn't want to talk to her. He always ignore her calls.

Ashton nodded, "Yeah I have."

"Reagan is that," his dad started.

"My girlfriend, the one I brought to the wedding," Ashton finished. He wasn't necessarily interested in having small talk with his dad.

"You guys look good together, it's amazing to see you've found love Ashton," his dad said with a smile making Ashton almost roll his eyes.

"Why are you here?" Ashton asked bluntly. He wanted to get this conversation over and done with so he could go back to Reagan's apartment where he could relax and be happy.

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