Chapter 7

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"Oh i'm fine, I really am. I just got up too fast," Ashton said. He had a few glasses of wine, so what?

"Ashton come on don't be an idiot," Reagan said laughing. She knew Ashton wasn't drunk, but he was a bit tipsy. Reagan just didn't have an easy feeling in her stomach with letting Ashton drive home. She didn't like taking life chances.

"Fine, if it's alright with you." Ashton said giving in. It was late, he had a couple of glasses of wine, and plus he was really didn't feel like driving home. Ashton shot his mom a text saying he was staying out tonight but would be back the next day.

Reagan grabbed an extra blanket and pillow from the closet and brought them back into the living room.

"You can take the couch," she smiled tossing the stuff down on the couch.

"Thanks," Ashton smiled.

"I'm exhausted, so i'm gonna head to bed. I'll be in the other room if you need anything, there's a bathroom over there," Reagan said giving Ashton a small side smile.

"Thanks again Reagan. Goodnight."

Reagan shut off the lights and walked back into her room and got ready for bed. She crawled into bed and smiled at the good day she had before closing her eyes.

Ashton held his phone above his face and scrolled through his twitter feed for a little while. His eyes finally became heavy and he placed his phone down on the coffee table before getting comfortable. The pillow he was using smelled like Reagan and he found himself smiling.

Ashton fell asleep for a few hours before finding himself awake again. As hard as he tried to sleep, he just couldn't. It was almost 3am, but he was wide awake.

After several minutes of trying to fall asleep, Ashton decided to get up and quietly walk to the kitchen. After struggling to find the light switch for a minute, he finally turned on the light and grabbed a water bottle from her fridge. Halfway through his water bottle, Ashton was surprised to see Reagan padding across the living room and into the kitchen.

"I didn't mean to wake you," Ashton said figuring the light from the kitchen bothered Reagan.

"Oh you didn't. I never can sleep the whole night all the way through, it's usual for me to wake up around this time," Reagan chuckled. "I saw the light on, figured you were having the same issue."

"Yeah," Ashton said throwing his now empty water bottle in the trashcan.

"Come on," Reagan said grabbing Ashton's wrist and bringing him to the living room. They both plopped on the couch. Reagan grabbed the tv remote and turned it on.

"Alright, 3am tv is crappy," Reagan laughed after a few minutes of flipping through channels. She turned down the volume just leaving the tv on and leaning back into the couch and pulling her feet up.

"It's weird, usually I'm the only one awake at 3am," Reagan said looking up at Ashton.

"Well now you're not," Ashton said looking at Reagan. The tv was reflected in her eyes.

"What's your last name?" Ashton asked a minute later. It had been on his mind since he had been there.

"Wait what," Reagan giggled. She was unsure where that even came from.

"Well I realized I don't know much about you. So let's start with your last name," Ashton said chuckling at himself.

"Fair enough, it's Knight." Reagan said with a smile pulled on her lips.

"Reagan Knight," Ashton said out loud getting use to the name.

"Reagan Leigh Knight," Reagan said stating her whole name.

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