Chapter 22

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As soon as Ashton walked out the door Reagan threw the pillow from the couch at the door. Tears immediately starting streaming down her face, she was unsure how they didn't start flowing once Ashton and her started to shout at each other.

Reagan laid on the couch and cried until she heard her phone vibrate on the table. With high hopes she reached for it, hoping it would be Ashton, but her stomach dropped and she felt hollow once she saw it was Ryan, again.

She groaned and blocked his number before tossing her phone to the side, letting more tears out. How did she manage to screw this up? Why didn't she feel the need to tell Ashton she was upset, or that Ryan had contacted her? Or that she was talking to him again?

If Ashton was texting his ex girlfriend, going out of his way to make sure Reagan didn't know, and keeping things from her, Reagan knew she would be livid. So why did she think it was going to be okay?

Her whole body was in pain, and all she could do was lay on the couch and cry until she fell asleep.

When she opened her eyes, Reagan looked around for any hope of Ashton but she knew what had happened wasn't a dream when she looked at the pillow still lying by the front door, and the key still sitting on the table next to her.

How had everything managed to go to shit so quickly?

She reached over to her phone, seeing as it only had 2%. She typed a message to Ashton before her phone died.

I'm so sorry.

Reagan got up and made her way to the kitchen. Her stomach was in a pain, and she didn't know if it was from the heartache or hunger. She took a bite from a granola bar before spitting it out... it was from the heartache.

She turned on netflix for the remainder of the afternoon, but she was staring blankly at the tv, not even processing what was happening.

Reagan finally got up and made her way to the bathroom to take a shower, to blend her tears in with the water flowing down her face.

Once the water started to run cold, Reagan got out and threw on some sweatpants before crawling into bed. She plugged her charger into her phone, but only because she wanted to talk to Ashton even though it was almost 10pm and she doubt he would even call since he hadn't already.

Her phone buzzed when it turned back on but it was just a message from her brother: Three days until I get to LA!

She had almost forgotten her brother was suppose to come down and visit. Oh god, he was gonna be here and Reagan was a wreck. Reagan let out a deep breath before promising herself she was done sitting in self pity. She was going to wake up, and be okay. She wasn't going to cry and whine anymore. But she couldn't help but notice Ashton's scent lingering on her pillow as she fell asleep.


Reagan's alarm clock went off and she groaned. She knew she had to go to work but she really didn't want to get out of bed.

She sat up and ran her hands through her hair; not ready to face the day. After a few minutes she finally forced herself to get out of bed and started to get ready for work. Her cheeks were still a light pink from all the crying she did yesterday, but she had to shake it off and get through the day.

Once Ashton stormed out of Reagan's house, he got into the car and hit the steering wheel, letting out a big groan before turning on his car. He sped all the way home, finally slamming the car door once he got to his moms house.

"Ashton?" she called from the kitchen seeing him walk in.

"Hi mom," Ashton said.

"Are you alright?" she asked giving Ashton a worried look.

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