Chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s pov

After school as Gou and i are walking home Gou asks, "Hey (y/n)-chan have you heard about the haunted house not too far from here? Legend says if you enter the house you are transported to anothe dimension until you find your true love."

"Uuh sounds intresting" I say, too distracted by my hunger.

"Hey you wanna see if the legend is true?" Gou asks suspiciously.

"Sure, but first let get something to eat I'm starved." I say while comically rubbing my stomache.

~le time skip brought to you by flying mint bunny~

As we left, the resturant leftovers in hand, we begain heading towards the haunted house. As we reach the door Gou says, "um how about you just go in I'm uh... scared."

"Well okay then not like anything is really going to happen." I say as i open the door and step inside.

Rin's pov

"Ugh i don't want to be here. Where are we going anyway?" I ask, tugging on the blindfold.

"Its a surprise just shut up and walk." Seijuro says.

"You are gonna love this surprise rin-chan." Nagisa says giggling.

~le time skip brought to you by PENGUINS!~

(Y/n)'s pov

As soon as I step into the house something feels a bit... off. When I reach the center of the room the ground starts shaking and pieces of floor begin to fall down. Then the piece of floor I am standing on falls and so do I.

Rin's pov

"Are we there yet?" I complain.

"No we are only halfway. Your complaining is not beautiful Rin-san." Rei says.

"Do I have to keep this stupid blindfold on the whole way?" I say in irritation.

"Yes" Seiji says.

"Of course Rin-chan." Nagisa says with a giggle. Nagisa then whispers something to Rei but all i catch is "i hope she falls..." which makes me even more confused than I was before.

Nagisa's pov

"Do I have to keep this stupid blindfold on the whole way?" Rin says.

"Yes" Seiji says.

"Of course Rin-chan." I say with a giggle. I then whisper to Rei "I hope she falls for him."

(Y/n)'s pov

I'm falling, falling, falling; the falling seems endless. Items and pieces of floor are falling along side me. Then suddenly I begin to gently float down to the floor, as if I were light as a feather. I look around and realise that I am exactly where I was before but the room looks slightly different. Older, more crumbled. I stand up and begin walking around; I find myself in a battered old kitchen. I open the fridge and see the horrific sight of a severed head, a jar of eyes, and many other things that make me feel the need to vomit. I quickly slam the fridge door closed and run out of the kitchen into what seems to be a small child's room. There, scattered about the room, lay many decapitated human beings in various stages of decay. I then hear a little girl say "please help me where is my mommy?"

I walk towards the sound and find a little girl covered in blood and holding a gore covered pair of long gardening shears. I then ran out of the room and up the stairs. There I hear other voices and go towards what seems to be a master bedroom and find a group of three people huddled in a corner. I hear a noise come from the master bathroom and instinctively hide in a nearby closet. Then a boy no more than 11 years old steps out holding a pair of razors and runs up to the closest of the three and starts sawing at them. The other two try to escape but the little girl appears in the doorway stopping them and she slices ones head off with her shears and begins stabbing the other ruthlessly. Neither of the pair of murderers stop their brutal acts until they are sure the victims are dead they then silently leave the room. Once I am sure they are gone I run back downstairs and collapse in the kitchen.

Rin's pov

"Okay Rin-chan we are here." Nagisa chirps happily.

"Finally." I say, pulling off the blindfold, as I am hastily pushed into a strange building.

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