Chapter 8

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I stand on the tips of my toes and look over Rin's shoulder to try to see through the crack in the door, to no avail.
"what do you see?" I ask frustrated and impatient.
"that's just it," Rin says, "I dont see anything..."
"what?" I ask before I push him out of the way to see for myself, and just as he had said; there is nothing to be seen. It is just a dark void and before I know it I had begun to step closer. As if in a sort of trance I open the door wider and begin to step out but before I do Rin grabs my arm and pulls me away from the void.
"Y/n! what are you doing!?" Rin whisper/shouts.
"h-huh?" I ask disoriented after suddenly being shaken from a trance-like state.
"Y/n you were about to step into that-that nothingness, we don't know what is in that darkness. Just don't do it again." Rin says as he pulls me to his chest in a hug. "Don't do it again Y/n." he then rests his chin on top of my head as he pulled me closer.
"I didn't realize what I was doing." I say.
"just dont do it again" Rin repeats again.
"ok! I get it Rin!" I say starting to get angry and pushing away from him.
"Y/n... I'm sorry," Rin says while reaching towards me."I just...I don't want you to get hurt...I-I I love you."
"w-what?" I say as I unconciously begin to step back.
"I love you Y/n. I have for a long time, since I first met you actually." Rin says while moving his hand to the back of his neck in embarrassment as a light blush begins to dust his cheeks.
His words make me think back to that day. The day I first met him when I pulled the cushion out from under him while he was sleeping and was rudely greeted afterwards.
"Funny that is when I started to hate you" I say.
"all I thought when I first saw you after the irritation from being woken up rudely went away was that you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Your hair sticking up in random places, pure delight in your eyes, and a smile on your face. It was that moment that I fell in love with you." Rin says with a sort of hurt puppy look mixed with sadness and love.
"why would you love me," I ask begining to step back again. "And why are you choosing now of all possible times to tell me?"
Before he can answer I take another step back into what I thought was more floor but instead is the dark void which had been behind the door. I see Rin reach for me , but I am too far away, he wouldn't reach me. But it's for the best I think to myself.
But then he is falling with me.
"R-rin what are you doing?" I ask bewildered.
"If I can't save you then I'll just fall with you." Rin says with a small sad smile.
"You could have saved yourself Rin!" I say. "I'm not important enough for you to risk your life!"
"But Y/n you are, to me. To me, you are the most important person in the world." Rin says as he holds my face in his hands and the bitter darkness around us speeds past. "I love you. Why can't you get that through your thick skull Y/n."
"why?" I ask as tears began to stream down my face.
"Y/n I don't need a reason to love you, I just love you, everything about you. Y/n, love doesn't need to be explained it just happens, and just is." Rin says as he looks deeply into my y/e/c eyes and wipes a tear that is streaming down; which incedentally is actually up as we are falling head first; my cheek with the gentle touch of his thumb. After which he kisses my forehead then leans his forehead onto mine and holds me close as we fall.

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