Chapter 9:xTroublex

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(Play One Of Those Nights by Shawn Mendes when reading this story)

**Calums POV**

"Open the door! Its the police!"

All our jaws dropped down to the floor.

I have gone to far to go back to that foster home.We immediately went to the backdoor which led to a forest and ran the fast that we could.

My heart was racing and racing the whole time. Tears started to roll down my cheeks while I was running.I actually felt kinda like a run away prisoner.

I believe the police were getting closer to us everytime one of our feet scrapped the ground.

Luke with his noodle legs fell down really hard.

"Get up Luke! qui--"

Luke got caught by one of the policemen and i knew i had to run away before i got caught too.

My heart felt like it broke in two.

My best friend was gone and he would be put back in the same hell we escaped.

By now,We were kinda safe but its the middle of the woods!

"Any scavenger can just prey on us and eat our flesh!" I said thinking out loud.

"Hey! Dont say that! Youre making me scared," Michael then laughed but crumpled up with worry.

"I bet theyre thinking that youre some kind of kidnapper or something."

Michael looked at me with a smirk on his face then laughed.One side of me was telling me that it was a joke but the other was telling me it was true. I just laughed it off but i went into thought again.

Luke was the only one I had to talk to when i was broken down.He was my backbone,my penguin best friend.He felt like family for when I had none.I should have just turn myself in too.

I broke down in tears right infront of Michael and he looked very confused.

"If you want to tell me bro,just remember you can," he said with a very soft voice.

I wasnt ready to talk about it with michael so we just lie across from each other.

The stars were beautiful in the night sky and the ligntening bugs just made it even better.

I then remembered Luke loved to see lightening bugs and got sad in my thinking.My brain always brings up things i dont want to think about.

Luke was going through my head the whole night even when i fell asleep.

**The Next Day**

"Wake up! Lets get moving!" Michael rocked me back and forth until i got up. We started to move along the path that led to this abandoned house.

"Haha lets go inside there!"

Michael went into the house first then I stupidly followed.
It looked really creepy inside.Cobwebs hanging from the ceiling and scattered glass on the ground.

"Stay behind me,Calum"

I trailed behind Michael exploring this weird house.While looking around,I heard a whisper that said "get out".I shivered and I immediately suggested that me and Michael should leave this weird place.

"Look over here!"

Michael pointed to a wall that had blood smeared it. Both of us instantly ran out of
that building.

"What the hell did we just see?"

"I have no idea but I dont like it"

We continued walking through the forest like we actually knew where we were going.

I could actually get used to this life,you know?
Running away from police like a getaway prisoner but it can also lead to downfalls like police getting to us and arresting me and Michael.

Thats one thing I dont want to happen.

Anyway,The sun is going down and we have no idea where to sleep.

Someone talked to me which snapped me back to reality.

"Are you literally talking to yourself?"michael said while laughing really hard.

"No,I wasnt!" I hissed back.

We walked for a long time and finally reached to this small, cozy-looking inn.

"Lets go in!"

Michael and I went in ,talked to the nice lady at the desk, and we got a nice deal for a room.
These days were really ruff and all I needed now was a good sleep on a nice,warm comfy bed.

// hey guys! im so sorry I didnt update in a loonngg time.I was very busy with stuff.

anyway,I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEW 5sos album!!! #SoundsGoodFeelsGood


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