Does the Little Gattina Have a Crush?

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"So," Eleanor said from the backseat of Luca's Audi A4, the first words she's said in a while. And it's been a really long time 'cause we were currently stuck in that popular New York traffic. "How did you guys meet?"

I had told him secretly awhile ago that his little lie to his cousin became a bigger thing than it should've been. Now everyone in the apartment building thought that Angelo and I were married.

"Oh. I work with her marito," he glanced in the review mirror to look at her.

"Her what?" She asked, giving him a confused look.

"Husband," Luca clarified.

"Oh. What do you guys do? I've noticed that you both dress really nice," she paused, seemingly trying to remember something, "Oh and I saw two other guys leave Chloe's apartment with Angelo earlier, they were both dressed really nice too."

"Um..." Luca drummed his fibers against the steering wheel, obviously trying to come up with some believable lie. Can't have Eleanor knowing they're in the mafia, "We sell cars."

"Oh really? Where?"

"'s just a small place in Jersey. The name's kinda hard to's Italian."

Nice one bud, really believable.

"Oh ok. Do you work Chloe?"

I shook my head, "Nope. Do you?"


The rest of the car ride to the store was filled with small, pointless chit chat. Half the stuff I already forgot. "Why exactly are we here again?" Luca asked as the three of us walked into the downright freezing grocery store.

"Why does anyone ever come here Luca?" I waited for an answer but got none. "'Cause this is where the food is."

"Why'd we bring her?" He nodded over to Eleanor who was looking suspiciously at a bag of carrots.

"'Cause she probably knows how to shop and I don't know the first thing about it. Neighbors come in handy sometimes, right?"

"I wouldn't know because unlike you, gattina, I actually have skills and if I don't have the skills I need, I either learn them or pay someone to do what needs to be done for me. What do you need here?"

I rolled my eyes and walked off to the frozen food section, "Food," I answered while looking at the cheap pizzas.

"Yeah, Angelo's not gonna like this," he stepped in front of me so that I could no longer see the wide variety of tasty choices. "Fresh is best, gattina. Good for your health, and good for your body. Lets go this way," he grabbed my hand and led me to the baking aisle. "Here," he picked up a box of pizza dough mix and dropped it in the basket I had picked up a second ago, "It's still not from scratch, but it's better than anything you could get frozen."

"But it takes longer to make. I like quick, and that's not quick," I grabbed the box and handed it back to him.

"No, gattina," he shoved it back in my direction, "For the love of all things holy, just take it."

"You're so frustrating."

"Yeah, I know. That's why I'm here with you and not with the rest of the Family."

"Ohh, that makes sense," I said as Eleanor came into view again. "I'm losing money by being here with you though. As much as you...entertain me, that's what really frustrates me the most. Losing money."

"Ok, I have everything I need," Eleanor said, a bag of carrots and chicken nuggets in her arms. Luca and I both looked at the random combo, interested looks on our faces.

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