High as a Kite

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My arm was being pinned down by Lorenzo who was already high as kite, while the junkie (who's name was Hank) fought to push the needle into my vein.

I knew fighting against someone with a needle was probably one of the most dangerous things I could have been doing at this very moment, but succumbing to something I've known was wrong my entire life wasn't really on my to do list.

"Stop fighting it, Chloe," Lorenzo dug his nails into my arm, only making me squirm under his grasp even more.

"What would your mom say about this? And Dominica?" I asked, knowing that the two sweet people I met back in Italy wouldn't approve of his behavior one bit.

He ground his teeth together, angry with me for bringing them up, "Shut up."

I stopped moving for all of one second and that's when I felt it, the shooting pain racing through my arm. I looked down to see Hank pushing the contents of the syringe inside of my pulsing vein, pulling it out and throwing it onto the table seconds later. Lorenzo moved away from me and crashed on top of Sienna on the sofa adjacent to this one.

I stood up, only to stumble forward into a wall. My whole body started to relax as I slid onto the floor and laid down on my side, bringing my knees up to my chest. My eyes grew heavy as I watched someone enter the room.

I've seen him before, but a million different thoughts were rushing trough my mind so I couldn't quite pull his name out of the thousands I've learned in my seventeen amazing years of life. He was dressed nice though and his hair was on point, and oh man, he had a gun.

I pushed myself up, supporting my weight with my hands, "Chloe," the guy came over to me and scooped me into his arms as if I weighed absolutely nothing. "Oh no, I'm too late, aren't I?"

Oh I remember now.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me out of the room, "Hey Luca," I pressed my head against his solid, muscly chest. "Look," I threw my arm into his face causing him to let out a weird mumbly noise. "Lorenzo and some other guy put something weird into my body and now I feel funny. It's feels kinda good though."

I tried to stretch out in his arms, but that just resulted in me almost falling and Luca having to catch me. He looked mad at me and that made me sad.

He walked out of the club and approached some other guys who were standing in front of a limo. There were...four guys I think. All of them were dressed similarly to Luca.

Upon further inspection, I realized just who these people were that were standing in front of me, one of them was so much more important than the others though, "Angelo," I squealed and wiggled my way out of Luca's arms, only to fall to my knees on the hard pavement. "Ow."

"We were a little too late," Luca said. "Lorenzo and his junkie shot her up with heroin. She's totally overdosing."

I shook my head and kept my eyes focused on Angelo and all of his sexiness. He looked at me like I had done something wrong and that hurt a little bit because I did nothing.

"Her lips are fucking blue," Dom snapped and helped me to my feet, ushering me inside the limo. I couldn't move any part of my body though, so he had to push me in.

And then I don't remember anything else.

+Angelo's POV+

"Spiders," Chloe whined and started clawing at her skin, "Spiders, spiders, ah spiders!" She cried.

"Chloe, there's no spider," I pinned her arms down at her sides as a nurse reached for a syringe, "What's that?" I questioned, thinking that pointy objects were the last thing Chloe needed around her right now.

"It'll knock her out," she clarified.

"Yeah, I'm not quite sure she needs more drugs in her system," Dom said.

"Fucking...spiders...everywhere." Her words made even my jaw hit the floor. I hadn't known her very long, but it was long enough to know that she had strong morals. Cuss words weren't apart of her stellar vocabulary. My grip around her wrists loosened for a second, if that, and she immediately started clawing at her skin again. "There's one on you," she looked me dead in the eyes before taking her sharp nails to my face.

Dom pulled her back, pinning her hands down again, "Bad idea, gattina. Very bad idea," he told her, a hint of worry in his voice as he said it.

"How long does this last?" I asked the nurse. I didn't like the criceto like this, she was rather annoying and I didn't handle annoying things too well.

"Three to five hours. It seems as though she got a little more than the average dose though, so probably closer to five," she nodded and looked over at Chloe, an unpleased look on her dull face. "How are you? You're bleeding. Would you like a bandaid?"

"I'm fine."

She gave the three of us crazy looks before leaving the small room.

"I don't think I like her like this," Dom said, struggling to keep Chloe immobile. "She's even more of a pain in the ass than she normally is."

I slumped down into the chair next to the bed, "Have you heard from Luca or Francisco? What are they doing to Lorenzo?"

He shrugged, "I don't know, but I heard Luca say he was going to take Sienna back to her dad and maybe tell him about her drug problem."

"Kind of the last thing we need right now though. A millionaire with his daughter missing again, on our cases, I don't see it ending the way I'd like it too. And that Lucas kid knows our names so..."

"Wait...who's Lucas? Was that that other millionaire's son? The one that was threatening you awhile back?"

I nodded.

"How does he know our names?"

"Well, he knows mine and after the police hear it, there's no getting out. I'm doomed to be like the rest of the D'Amico men. Under thirty and behind bars...for the rest of my life."

"Nah, you're dad was at least fifty when they caught him. You got a few more good years I think. You didn't answer my question though, how does that prick know your name? I know you didn't tell him."

"I didn't. Lorenzo and or Sienna did. And what did they get out of it? More drug money."

"Gesú, what are you gonna do about Lorenzo? Does your mamma know about the things he does? I can see her beating his ass with a wooden spoon until he didn't even know what the word drug meant."

I suppressed a laugh. I could see her doing that, but I wasn't going to tell her because she didn't need to know. She already has Dominica traveling down the same road.

"Where can we get cop costumes? Realistic ones," I asked, an idea suddenly shooting across my mind.

"I don't know. Could google it. Why?"

"I have an idea."

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